Today we have the final instalment of Sue journey into eating well, healing her body and learning to thrive!
If you missed the last two instalments of how she is getting on then read part one here and part two here.
And I warn you this is quote the inspiring read and honest account. As the creator of Flourish I LOVE reading about how it facilitates complete life, body and mindset shifts in people. I can’t wait to let loose the new updated version of Flourish on you. I have been working hard to make in work for you, make it even simpler, saving you time and head space as well as still keeping the much loved community aspect of it.
If you have that sneaky feeling in your tummy that you want or need to do Flourish then make sure you head over to join my VIP Flourish List. I have some really exciting pre launch freebies I am going to be giving away and everyone on my VIP list is getting first access to some crazy discounts.
But I will hand your over so you can read the fabulous results she has seen inside and out.
So without further ado here is Sue’s Results: Six Weeks to Complete Transformation!!
Wow what an incredible journey Flourish has been!!
The course has been like pressing a reset button for me on living life to the full, it has equipped me to be empowered for life change and I have been reminded that I am powerful and not a victim to circumstances or impulses, and have in the main gained a really healthy perspective on food. For me that has been key; everyday I get to make choices around what I put in my body and with health in mind I am making very different choices to what I was doing before starting Flourish. We hear people say the battle is in the mind – and for me rediscovering that I am powerful when it comes to what I am thinking about food has been key.
So what has changed for me ….?
Getting practical on food: I have decided to stay grain and processed sugar free in the main, as I feel so much better living this way. An average day consists of a green smoothie for breakfast; lunch involves generally homemade, natural goodness full of salad, sweet potatoes, tuna or leftovers. Dinner is all about cooking for a number of meals for convenience and involves loads of veg, some meat, and substitutes for grains – like courgette for pasta and pizza bases or cauliflower for couscous and rice. Coconut products feature in life significantly as does lots of spice.
Pre Flourish breakfast rarely happened, if rushed lunch involved bread, all of which meant I got home from work and snacked on stuff before dinner (which in the main was pretty happy).
Thai turkey burger
Getting practical on my body: I am now celebrating loosing between 3-3.5 inches off bust, waist and hips. I have gone down a dress size and now fit into clothes I have been unable to wear for at least two years. My skin is healthier and I have more energy to run around and bundle my energetic nephews – a very noticeable change for me. I feel like I am getting a good routine going with exercising regularly as well.
Getting practical on my mental wellbeing: There is so much research connecting diet and exercise with our mind health and I can see a change for me in this area, I feel better about myself, more positive and generally happy and thriving. Some of this is sunshine based I won’t lie, but having more energy and feeling lighter generally has significantly improved my mental wellbeing.
Flourishing eating out – yum!
Whilst I am far from there I feel like two months into the Flourish journey I have taken much ground to creating a sustainable lifestyle. I’ve become a bit of an evangelist or sales person if you like, and rarely a day goes by without a conversation about what I am doing, and how well I look. I love sharing recipes and learnings from this journey. Often times when we think about making lifestyle changes around food we run into roadblocks around the time it takes to make natural food, and the cost involved. I am realising it ultimately is about our thinking more than our time availability. For me because I value what I put in my body, I want to be intentional about creating the time to prepare well.
Eating out & Flourishing!
I came home from a work meeting late the other week, and was so torn about what to do foodwise – did I grab some fresh pasta from the supermarket on the way home and give into convenience? I thought about how I would feel the next day and then I remembered a recipe I had researched for camping a few weeks previously – I had everything in the cupboards and I knew because I had made it on camping gas it would take almost no time to throw together. It was an easy choice because I had prepared. The great thing about that meal was that I made enough for four meals and had lunch/dinner sorted for the coming days. It really is easier than you think!!
My key to planning involves scouring pinterest for ideas when doing something that allows space for – it means I have at my fingertips tools to make great choices.
One other key for me has been realising that sustainable change comes over time. I am adding good things in gradually rather than overwhelming myself all at once. I am thinking about the changes I want to implement and giving myself at least four weeks to see that addition become a habit before adding anything else. After feeling like I was getting to grips with grain and sugar free four weeks in I decided to focus on upping my activity. This has been tough due to a neck injury from a fall a year ago but I am coming to the end of four weeks of walking 5k before work and it is now feeling like routine. For me it’s now time to add in good quality time with friends who give me life in an intentional way. I want to feed every part of my being with what will bring me fullness of life, and it’s really fun being on this journey.
I cannot recommend Flourish e-course and Kezia’s releasing and lifegiving style highly enough. Her perspective on long term life change is pretty unique in a world full of faddy diets, and her positivity and belief in me as an individual has been key in seeing growth in living a flourishing lifestyle. Why not give it a go?
Ahh thanks Sue!
Our choices are so powerful and health is available for all for us but you need to be ready to CHOOSE it and to invest in it. So if you ready make sure you sign up to VIP List now to get your freebies and to first access to the Flourish Launch Discount – ooohhhh!