The Super Naturally Healthy Essential Gift Guide

Dec 17, 2015 | Nutrition


I am one of those people who loves getting gifts but also hates getting them.

I love it that someone has thought about me and invested time, energy or money into getting something to show me that love but I can also find the whole process a tad overwhelming. When I got married it took us about 2 weeks to open all our gift as I was so overwhelmed by the generosity of others and wanted to take lots of things back to the shop as I felt it was too much. I have improved since  as learning to receive is just as important as learning to give, but in an ideal world I would still love to open all my presents alone in a room very slowly…

And yes I know I am weird.

But today what I thought I would do is share some of the essential (material and first world) items one could do with on their road to Super Natural Health. And please note I use term ‘essential‘ lightly. The most essential items for a healthy life are clean water, shelter, natural food and oodles of love and community, but as you can’t chop a butternut squash with any of those here I am;)

So here are things I use all the time or are planning on investing in soon.

Please note these are affiliate links meaning if you buy stuff anything from Amazon using these links then I get a tiny percentage of it which all going toward the running of this site, my income and also to helping changing the world and supporting one of my fav charities.


Under £10

Nut milk bag. Super useful for making, you guessed it, nut milk! I use this all the time and also use it to cover jars when I am fermenting things like kombocha and sauerkraut.

Jars. Mainly aesthetic but also a bit cleaner and less toxic way of storing food (as oppose to plastic). I do own mainly kilner jars but any jars, along with some from Ikea but I often just recycle old coconut oil or other food jars.

Chalk Labels. These make  great stocking filler for people you like chalk, jars (!!) and labelling things. I LOVE
these even if my husband refuses to let me write on them, apparently I spell things wrong to often so he is charge of that. (ME a bad speller…never!)

Dr Bronner Castile Soap. I use this for pretty much everything – washing hair, making into surface cleaner or even toilet cleaner, washing clothes or fruit and veg. Generally a good things to have about the house and would make me happy it this was in my stocking.




My eBooks. Both my Eat & Be Merry eBook and Simple Green Smoothie eBooks are on sale now for just £4.99 and they are in my opinion the fabulous foundations for creating a healthy life. Full of simple recipes that you can make and use every day for speedy and delicious healthy eating 😉

A Good Flask. I use my flask all the time and after buying pretty but useless ones I now stick with boring but effective versions. I use it to carry soup, super charged hot chocolates and teas with me so I never need to be without some healthy snack or lunch!


Under £50

A Good Knife. OMG if you haven’t got a decent knife yet then this needs to be on your list. I use Sabitier knives and although pricey they last for ages and will transform your butternut squash chopping life. I started of by investing in one and now I have a whole set. I would recommend getting a large 20cm one or pairing knife to begin with and don’t forget to get a knife sharpener too!

Trampoline! Honestly  this is the best present I have ever gotten. It bring me so much joy, is a great workout and detoxifier for the body and super fun to do. Shove on some music and bounce away. The first one I got broke so this is the one I bought to replace  it with so jury is out on how long this will last. I am hoping it last for ages otherwise I may need to invest in a pricer one like this which I am happy to do now I know I will use it daily.

Oil Diffuser. I love essential oils and dislike toxic scented candles so this is how I get the house smelling nice plus you get the medicinal benefits too (more of my love of essential oils in the New Year) of having things like lavender or frankincense flowing through your home.

Slow Cooker. This makes healthy eating so much easier. Whether it making curries, coups, bone broth, roast chickens or stews I use this often. You can even make cakes in it but I have never tried but I use a large one to batch cook large things like stew so I can then freeze them for speedy healthy meals.

Spiraliser. I know this may seem like a bit of a trend but it is super fun and useful and fun to use. I mainly use it to make courgette spaghetti but you can use it to make curly chips and other goodies too.

Nourishing Traditions. I LOVE this book . It’s like a bible of healing, traditional recipes with some good info and explanations of the science behind it all. 

Eco Yoga Mat. Now this is something on my list a non toxic yoga mat. Whether you do yoga, pilates or just like lying on the floor this is a great option that isn’t covered with tons of harsh chemical for you to inhale. Sure you can get cheaper mats but this is one I would like!
(£30+ cheaper non eco ones available)

Mason jars for smoothies. Now these are mainly for cuteness factor but are super fun for smoothie transportation!
(£10 +)

Fitbit. This is what I am asking Santa for as I think it can be super useful to track how active you are in the day especially if, like me, you work mainly from a computer on your arse all day. There are load of types out there but this is what I am going for and come the new year I will be aiming for 10.000 steps a day…I wonder if bouncing counts??



Shining Year Planner. This is a gift I bought for myself and above is my excited face when it arrived. I got the digital year planner last year and have loved it so I bought the paper version this year and can not wait to fill it in! It is basically a creative, beautiful and fun way to plan and strategise for the year ahead whether that be in business, or with other life goals. Honestly its such a beautiful, spiritual and artistic way to clearly define what the heck you dreams are and ultimately whats you are put here on this earth to be and do. Buy it and let’s be shining year buddies!
(Between $10-50)

Raw Honey in Bulk. I personally can’t think of a better present than a years supply of raw honey! It so tasty and again I use it for tons of stuff. Baking, as a face wash, face mask, shampoo/mask, helping fight off infections and more. Click here to find out all 15 raw honey uses.


Pricey but Worth it!

High powered blender. I have a Froothie, but a Vitamix  is a good option too. I choose Froothie as it was more affordable at £350 as oppose to £500 but all of them are good. If you wanting to make raw soups then you probably want to go for Vitamix but honestly I use this at least once a day often two – three times so it well worth the investment not just for smoothies for blended coffees, hot chocolate, instant ice cream, nut butter, nut milk and more.

Magi Mix. I got this before my blender and potentially you don’t need both but I like having the two. I use the magi mix for baking lots, grating and chopping lots of veg, whipping eggs, making guacamole and other yummy things. Well worth it especially for large families and fellow bakers. (I have the red one!)

One2one Coaching. I am always so grateful by the transformation that people see after having a few consultations with me,  its got nothing really to do with me! The power is in them investing and prioritising their health and healing. I just guide people and provide the strategy, structure and help interpret what their body is saying.
 Click here to find out more and to book initial consultation  and gift voucher are available on request – just email me at


So there you have it lovelies! Some essential items to help make creating a healthy, healed and cake filled life a tad easier and more joyful.

*prices based on price at time of publishing. 


And let me know what is on your gift list this year?



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