Body Image: What To Do When You Don’t Like Your Body {Ep 152}

May 25, 2021 | Podcast

This podcast is for anyone who is struggling to accept and like the skin they are in. I share with you my 6 tools and tricks (that I am using right now) to help you create a HEALTHY relationship with your body).

Our bodies are constantly changing and shifting – they don’t stay the same! This is why we need to be equipped with the tools we need to keep cultivating a kind and respectful relationship with our bodies. 

So let me show you how!


Fed up of being tired & bloated? Ready to feel better – FAST?

Then make sure you get some personalised, evidence-based, holistic support (if you want to accelerate your results that is).  I am taking on new clients for my transformative Belly Program so click here to find out more and book your call with me >>>

>> Find out more here <<




  • Listen to How to Ditch Binge Eating – HERE 
  • Listen to How I Became An Intuitive Eater – HERE
  • Leave me an iTunes review HERE 


Why do you have awful PMS? (Ep 290)

Why do you have awful PMS? (Ep 290)

Why do you have awful PMS? Why the low mood, sore boobs, insomnia? Why do you feel like crying all the time? Why do you get really anxious or depressed? What is with PMS? Is it a normal part of being a woman or is there stuff you can do about it? Spoiler alert......


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