CBD Oil: Fad, Fiction or Helpful?

Oct 26, 2021 | Podcast

I should say NEVER smoked anything in my entire life. I used to work with drug addicts closely and have generally been a tee-total, ‘just say no to drugs’ kinda gal. Even marijuana.

Until recently, when I started using CBD oil.

And after a few years of being very wary/disinterested, I finally wrestled with some of the research and gave it a try.

So If you want to know more about my experience with CBD oil, how it is different from smoking weed, what it might help, and if it is something you should run out and buy right now – then listen to this week’s podcast. (And honestly, some of my results were quite surprising.)

Listen to the podcast by streaming it above.


Do you want to create more energy & a flatter belly with ZERO food drama or BS?

Then click here to book your (super chilled) Zoom call with me to find out more!

Resources mentioned

  • Find out more about working with me HERE
  • Listen to 6 habits busy people NEED podcast  HERE
  • Leave me an iTunes review HERE







Do you want to create more energy & a flatter belly with ZERO food drama or BS?

Then click here to book your (super chilled) Zoom call with me to find out more!

Why do you have awful PMS? (Ep 290)

Why do you have awful PMS? (Ep 290)

Why do you have awful PMS? Why the low mood, sore boobs, insomnia? Why do you feel like crying all the time? Why do you get really anxious or depressed? What is with PMS? Is it a normal part of being a woman or is there stuff you can do about it? Spoiler alert......


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