4 Daily ‘Hacks’ That I Use To Improve My Digestion {233}

Dec 20, 2022 | Podcast

In this episode, we are going to be talking about some of the daily things that I do and that I get clients to do in order to help support their gut health, their digestion, to help prevent bloating, crazy toilet habits and all of that sort of stuff.

These are some quick and dirty digestion hacks and they’re going to be 4 things that I do regularly and I feel like they can make a really big difference.

I really hope that this podcast really equips you to take action so that step by step you can create that healthy life that you want to live and that you CAN live.

So, after listening today, I encourage you to think about one thing (and it can be tiny) that you can implement.

These are four really actionable things but I also want to say that I have done a lot of deep work when it comes to my health and my clients and these 4 things wouldn’t fundamentally shift the issues with IBS and things that I had. (The diarrhea, the depression, the anxiety, I had gut infections, I had parasites, I had heavy metal toxicity, I had lots of different thing so I needed to do much deeper work than these 4 things.

So, I want to put a caveat on this. If you’ve had horrendous digestive issues and we are talking about really bad bowels, really bad IBS, you feel like it’s a big problem, then you probably need deeper work than this.

If you would like to book a call with me, we can chat about it further and I can give you some info and give you an outline of what your program might be in terms of working together.

But these things are really great things to do. The above doesn’t dismiss these factors at all.

If you are really struggling wherever you are at, whether you’ve got mild digestive issues, horrendous digestive issues or to that, even if you are actually looking on focusing on encouraging, encouraging, increasing your energy, all these things are a great idea as well.

Whatever your health goal is… If you’re looking to balance your hormones, lose weight, improve your mental wellbeing etc, these 4 things can really help.

And why is that? Is because your gut health is foundational and fundamental for the rest of your body. It affects your immune system, your endocrine or your hormonal system, your skin, your mind.

So, it’s really important. If you are thinking ‘No, Kezia, I don’t really feel like I have that many digestive issues’ – These things WILL benefit your life.

If you support your gut health, you support the rest of your health.

If you’re listening to this before the 21st of December, you can get access to my Eat and Be Merry Recipe ebook.

This is full of all of my favourite, most delicious, festive recipes. From stolen bites to gingerbread muffins, to Christmas cake, to brownies to, or basically all the snack and treat recipes that you need so that you can enjoy Christmas, feel festive, have some treats, but also not be bloated, sluggish, tired, and fatigued and enter the new year feeling more like a winter whale, then a fabulous goddess.

I’ve put it all in the Eat and Be Merry Recipe ebook.

It’s only £11. You can buy it now if you go to keziahall.com/bemerry. It’s basically your survival guide to the holiday season.

Want to see BIG results in your energy, belly, skin and hormones?

Then chances are you need some personalised support (hint – that is what I do!). Click here to find out more and to book your call with me.

Resources Mentioned

  • Find out more about working with me here – and book your call.
  • Find out more on how to deal with constipation – here and here
  • Find out about the BIGGEST mistake people make in supporting their digestion here
  • Looking for free-from recipes? Then check out all my yummy recipe here

Head to kezihall.com/blog to stream from there or subscribe to the Gut Goddess Show on iTunes and then it will delivered to your device every single week.


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