Is it Perimenopause Or is it Really This? (Bonus Episode)

Oct 29, 2024 | Podcast

Is it perimenopause? Or is it actually something else that’s going on? That’s what I’m sharing today in this mini episode. This episode aims to get you thinking, questioning, and being honest and also to provide you with a new idea.

We are seeing so much more chat about menopause and perimenopause, which is brilliant. I am here for so much more education. We are talking about it. There’s awareness, it’s happening, it’s changing in workplaces, it is so needed. It’s a really important transition, a lot of things can go wrong and lots of women can really struggle with this.

But I’ve also noticed when I’m talking to a woman who is thinking of working with me, whether it’s late thirties or forties, the label that they’re slapping on everything is perimenopause.

I’m not actually here to say that that is necessarily wrong. I just want to provide a different narrative of what could be going on or a different way of seeing it.

When it comes to your hormones, you actually have so much more control and you have so much more influence than you realise.


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