Symptoms Replay

Symptom Uncovered Workshop Replay

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Want to take action? Want to get the support and resource you need to create a happier flatter belly? Then for 3 days only you get exclusive access to the Clubhouse - my private coaching membership.

Click below to join or scroll down to find out more.

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 BONUS DEAL - the first 10 new members get a FREE copy of The Sweet Treat Collection eBook worth £15 - so sign up quick as there are a few slots left to get your copy!!!



So….your stuck.

Stuck with unwanted wind from both ends. Stuck with a hot bloated belly that seems to expand massively at random points in the day.
Stuck with that ‘I am so tired can I get a coffee IV kinda feeling’. Oh yes and stuck at a weight that just won’t shift…

Annnnnnd you feel tired.

You feel like your belly has a life and mind of it own. You sure as heck don’t feel sexy by the end of the day and you’re SICK of eating the same things that you KNOW are doing zero for your health.

But just take a tiny second and imagine if….

  • you could lose that extra 10lbs in 6 weeks whilst eating some awesome food
  • you could eat cake and chocolate regularly WITHOUT the guilt 
  • that flat tummy you woke up with actually stayed that way throughout the day
  • you actually lost some of those pesky pounds without dieting or only eating celery and ready meal or weird shakes
  • you could say so long sucker to that IBS or embarrassing digestive issue
  • you have energy to SPARE to do the things you love
  • there was no more stress around what to eat (AKA no more staring mindlessly into the fridge while cheese just ‘jumps’ into your mouth!)
  • you finally were at peace with your body and your plate – no more noise .

Feeling comfortable in your own skin is the best feeling ever and it is 100% possible!

I want to show you how.



choc spoon - smallYou see I used to be sad sick and stuck on the loo!
I ended the day bloated and uncomfortable, hated my body and found knowing what to eat in order to ‘be healthy‘ SO STRESSFUL.
I tried dieting and felt like crap. I followed all the standard advice out there and it got me nowhere….
But then one Saturday night about 10 years about, when I was sat in the bath bathroom listening to my friends leave the house for a night out without me, in pain and looking about 6 months pregnant, suffering from daily diarrhea, depression, thrush and more  (I don’t understand the concept of TMI – can you tell?) where I realised that something HAD to change.

Was I going to miss out because of my belly?

Was I going to keep of having one tortuous relationship with my body and food?

Was I going to spend my days hiding away, locked in the bathroom….


Hell NO!!

Now many years later I am a holistic health coach and I work with women who are sick of feeling like crap. I get really geeky about your gut, digestion, and your poop and have created a simple system to help you still eat cake but also feel awesome.
I love helping people sort out their digestion, weight and poop back under control – all while accepting and loving their bodies to boot.

Ohhh….. and I focus on making things FUN!


Which is why I run The Clubhouse becomes I know I can help you:

love your body more
lose weight  if needed) in 6 weeks,
have daily, happy, bowel movements
ditch the daily bloating
…..and eat cake or chocolate on regular basis with ZERO guilt.


It’s full of ALL my coaching programs where I personally take you through ditching the sugar addiction, detoxing your mindset, sorting out your belly and more!

I become you pocket health coach & cheerleader – taking you one step at a time into the health you have always dreamed of ?

 from long-standing member Gemma

Errrrmmm… what actually is it?

It is an online clubhouse with recipes, meal plan and group coaching that will give you results and save you time.

 It’s for rebellious cake munchers who are sick of feeling crappy, hate dieting (because they know they suck)but secretly still really want a happier, flatter belly – but with all the overwhelm, guilt or being told just to eat more salad – shoot me now….

It’s a super affordable alternative to getting one to one coaching, as you still get tailored feedback and access to a health coach 24/7.


What it includes:

  • An online community group – for daily support, friendship and expertise – you don’t have to go it alone!!
  • Access to a holistic health coach (that’s me FYI) via the Facebook group where I will guide you through step by step on how to get the results you want. 
  • A brand new 7-day meal plan every month PLUS a library filled with existing meal plan (ohhhh hello time saver!)
  • A brand new mini recipe ebook every month!!! With brand new gluten and sugar and faff free recipes so you never get bored or feel deprived.
  • The Flourish ebook – your complete handbook to creating a healed and healthy life
  • Weekly Q&A with yours truly
  • Online Clubhouse – the place that has all the resources you need to feel fabulous, save time and eat awesome food!
  • Allergy/inflammation friendly recipes – the recipe are always gluten and sugar-free with grain and dairy free option too (I am the queen of tasty free from food!)
Got questions? email


To launch this Clubhouse I have some fabulous Bonuses just for you:

  • BONUS – 6-week coaching course to get you started and help you build the right foundations. (£50 value)
  • BONUS – meal plan bank – with 4 extra meals plans so you never need to be stuck again! (£25 value)
  • BONUS – resource library with guide on how to eat out, supplements & more (£20 value)
  • BONUS – Flourish Recipes eBook with over 30+ recipes to get you started (£15 value)
  • FREE access to the Green Smoothie Challenge – 10 day challenge where I show you the green smoothie ropes!
  • and so much more……




real life feedback from our coaching group by Lyn



And you know that sore belly or crappy energy is NOT just going to fix itself. Health is not going to just come and hit you across the face like a wet fish.


Sure you could go it alone, be overwhelmed, get nowhere and still look 6 months pregnant every evening when you’re clearly not…



 You can join my revolution of cake eating rebels who see results and have fun in the process.




Get access to all this yummy, life-changing goodness for just £18 a month!

Nope, no need to spend over £350 a year on some useless dieting club,  online trainer who doesn’t know your name or meal replacements – NO!


You can invest this small amount monthly to get all the support you need, and the best bit is you can cancel at any time….but I know you won’t want to ?


No more going it alone, no more belly frustration and no more boredom.


 Got questions? email



  • really want to create a healthy life but know they need some support, accountability, and expertise to guide them along the way
  • want to feel awesome – ditch bloating and increase in energy 
  • want to lose some weight but in a healthy normal non-crazy lady way
  • are ready to ditch the addiction to things like sugar and bread.
  • feel overwhelm by all the diets out there and just want to find what healthy looks like for them
  • love to cook but don’t want to spend hours in the kitchen.
  • are secretly scared of failing…
  • would love some one2one coaching but are unable to invest in that yet
  • people diagnosed with IBS



  • are looking to get skinny at any cost
  • who use their oven to store shoes…
  • want to focus SOLEY on weight loss, calories and numbers…..urgh!!!!
  • have severe health issues going on. 
  • who don’t own a computer tablet or smartphone – this is an online club.


 What people are saying:



I have done loads of diets/club before none of them have worked or lasted – why is this different?

I would suggest that other diets haven’t worked or lasted for you because they have never focused on creating a healthy LIFE. gotten to the root of your unhealthy lifestyle.

This isn’t a 2-week program or short term diet this is about coaching and guiding you to taking small steps to create a healthy LIFE!


Will I have to eat weird food?

No, clients often comment to me that the meal plans include things like chips, sausages, and egg and want to know if I have made a mistake!

The recipes focus on whole real food with zero gluten or refined sugar but no wheat grass growing required ? 


Will I lose weight?

If your body needs to lose weight in order to be healthy, and you implement the all that we talk about in the clubhouse then you will lose weight for shizzle But I warn this clubhouse will help your body finds its own ideal weight and that might be different to what your idea of the ‘perfect weight is’! This is about getting your body HEALTHY not super boney.

On average people lose 6-12lbs in the first 6 weeks and more over time IF they need to ?


Is there not a magic pill I can have instead? 

Sorry love but no. Getting healthy is not always easy but the journey and the process, when done properly, can be utterly life changing. Over this program, you will learn so much about your body, your values, your health, and needs, that the process itself is worth going through. (But if I invent a magic pill I will let you know!)


Can I be vegetarian?

Of course – we love vegetarians cater for them accordingly. However, this is not created for vegans.


Is it family/spouse friendly?

Yes, people often comment about how healthier their other halves are by them just cooking  family friendly meals. Clients have sent me pictures of kids eating smoothies or enjoying  homemade chicken nuggets and fish fingers –so yes this does not mean you need to make two meals at dinner time – life is far too short that that sort of faffing…


I lack motivation and give up easily, so I always fail at losing weight…

Then quit trying to lose weight.

Yep, I just said.

Instead,  focus on creating a healthy life. Focus on eating real food, on loving yourself and giving yourself permission to be YOU!

And all the support, love, and resources in this will help you do just that.


So if you have been sitting on the fence then hopefully this has helped and if not then come on over to my Facebook page and ask any questions you want by emailing me and my team at info@supernaturallyhealthy