Flourish Health Review Name(required) Email(required) Why did you sign up for the Flourish Program? What results are you hoping to achieve?? How would you describe your relationship to food? What do you feel is you greatest health concern right now? I understand that as a FlourishClient I am responsible for my own health, that Kezia is not a medical professional and the results of this program are my responsibility. I will not go against the advice of medical professionals and acknowledge that health coaching is not a replacement for medical professionals. By ticking this box I am agreeing that I am aware of this information. Kezia Hall is in no way liable or responsible for any misuse or misunderstanding of any of the information given during my coaching sessions. This also applies for any injury, damage, directly or indirectly caused or allegedly caused by this service. I follow the advice and information of these sessions at my own risk.(required) Submit Δ We look forward to seeing you soon!