Nourish 2.0 Promise Name(required) Through out Nourish 2.0 I(required) commit to taking 100% responsibility for my actions or lack of action throughout the next 4 months acknowledge that Kezia is not liable for any outcome of working together and I will not go against medical advice and will seek medical help where needed. I will:(required) show up in the community and not hide away even if it gets hard. support others in the group and be encouraging. ask for help when I am stuck. prioritize group coaching calls show up on time for my consultations. celebrate the small success each week. let others know when I feel I am spiralling into the chasm of doom. make sure payment go through each month and be proactive if this isn't the case. I understand that:(required) that healing my body and seeing changes can take time and detective work. there are no magical quick fixes. I am ready for a lifestyle and mindset shift. that there will be highs and lows in the coming months and that healing the body is not a linear event.. Submit Δ