The Energy Workshop

Click below to catch the REPLAY!



And remember to take ONE small steps. Don’t implement everything I talk about, pick one small action you can take this week.


Small sustainable steps are SEXY….and effective!


One to one offer:

From the 24th-26th March, I am offering Clubhouse-ers 10% off my one to one services OR a 2 -part payment plan – yippeeee! Perfect if you suspect adrenal dysregulation or are generally feeling stuck and know you need that one to one support.

I will be increasing my one to one prices in April so I don’t want any of you to miss out if it feels like the right fit.

To sign up:

>>> Click here to sign up for one to one program – one off payment
Use coupon code: iamsobeautifulitsinsane
(go on say that outloud!)


>>> Click here to sign up for 2 part payment

I know this isn’t right for everyone and I am only offering 3 spaces, but if you feel like it might be the right fit then go for it!!


Resources mentioned in workshop: