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Mulled Wine

Kezia Hall


  • 2 bottles of a Red Wine of your choice
  • 3 Cinnamon Stick
  • 1 tsp Whole Clove
  • 1 Orange - Zest+Juice
  • 1 Lemon - Zest+Juice
  • 4-5 tbsp Honey
  • 2 Clementines in pieces


  • Place all the ingredients in a slow cooker or in a pan on a low heat. Stir and allow to heat very slowly over 30 min or longer.
  • Try it and see if you want to add more honey.
  • Serve in whatever you like!


Feel free to add some rum or brandy to this mulled wine to give it even more of a kick!
You can strain it is you don't want lumps in it.
Adapted from From all the other mulled wine recipes!