Hello Spring & Your Natural, Organic, One Ingredient Face Wash & Face Mask to Wash Acne & Tired Skin Away!

Mar 14, 2014 | Beauty & Skin

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So it seems that spring is slowly springing! 

January and February do often feel like sluggish months where all you want to do is sit inside and eat leftover selection boxes and drink port (or it that just me?) But hurrah we have endured, we have made it and now the ground is changing and the sun is poking its head out a bit more. This week I actually took off my coat when I was on my lunchtime walk – astounding!

So with all this fresh spring like enthusiasm, I am going to be posting some regular recipes and ideas for a naturally healthy home and beauty regime. We all love food ( maybe your at  the wrong blog if you don’t…) but health is not just about what goes in your gob. Its about everything – your skin care, your career, your relationships, your stress levels – everything. We humans are sensitive and connected souls so everything impacts everything.
For example I did my first webinar this monday evening  for my foundation in super natural health series where I share with you LIVE some of my top tips and then you get to ask your questions (My next one is about how to eat healthy on a budget – register for free here) . Brilliant and I love talking at all thing health, but if I am honest (which I always am) I was scared. So scared in fact that I slept badly as I think I was having dreams about computers going wrong… Anyway the next day my health suffered and  all I wanted to do was eat chocolate and drink coffee. 

Scared/stressed = lack of sleep = eat sugar = sugar rush and slump = unhappy body = stress….on and on it goes….

Basically this rambling is just to prove that what you eat has tons to do with your health, but so does everything else. So over the next few weeks I will zone in on beauty and homes to show you how to make (or buy) things that will ensure your skin and home is naturally wonderful!

Back on Track

So we talked about the benefits of raw  honey a few weeks ago. I love the stuff and hopefully you do by now,  but in addition to it tasting amazing it is also brilliant for treating problem skin! 

I started to to use honey as a face mask and face wash a few months ago and my skin loves it! Whenever I get a breakout of dry crusty skin (thanks winter!) I slap some raw honey on my face and leave it for as long as I can without licking it off!

Here is what I use and bulk buying is cheaper and it has SO many uses!

Why is it so good for you?

  • Acne: Honey is naturally antibacterial, so it’s great for acne treatment and prevention.
  • Aging: Full of antioxidants, it is great for slowing down aging.
  • Complexion boost: It is extremely moisturising and soothing, so it helps create a glow.
  • Pores: Honey is clarifying because it opens up pores making them easy to unclog. Source

So if you are sick of dealing with acne or just bored of tired looking skin raw honey is for you!

Why I love it

  • Its tastes good.
  • Is super easy and cheap as I buy in bulk and already have it in house.
  • Its gentle on my sensitive skin.
  • My skin looks great afterwards.
  • Its 100% natural and organic.
  • Its quick.


Photo on 2014-03-14 at 13.18 #4

Evidence of my naturally clear skin even with a flash!

Face mask  – just place about 1 tsp/tbsp in your hand and let it melt on your hand then apply to your face. Leave for as long as your can (I

tend to do it in the morning when working from home and leave it there for at least 30 mins) then rinse off with a flannel.

Face wash – same as above but wash off immediately and spend more time massaging it into your skin and rinse of with a flannel. 

If you want to exfoliate your skin a bit more just add a few pinches of bicarbonate of soda into your honey and massage in and you will have beautiful soft and glowing skin!

Follow it up with my luxurious natural face moisturiser and your onto a winner!


So stay tuned for even more uses for raw honey and for more naturally healthy, budget friendly skin and home options! And if you feel like you need to spring clean your body – why not sign up for my new sugarFREE program starting 28th March to kick start you into sugar free and healthy living!

sugarfree logo mabel



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  1. This post is old but I was wondering what you use to remove your makeup? I’ve been using jojoba but I think it is breaking me out more and I really don’t need or want any more zits!

    • Hi Jemima – maybe try a different oil? And sometimes when swrtiching to more natural products you can get a ‘detox’ period. I use coconut oil and find it helpful.



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