Video Blog: Oil Pulling – Detox and Defend

Sep 13, 2013 | Beauty & Skin, Nutrition

Welcome to my First Video Blog post ! I thought it would be fun to a video post regularly where I talk or demonstrate an aspect of Super Natural Health!

Todays is all about Oil Pulling – have a watch and I will tell you all about it!



  1. Asokan S, Rathan J, Muthu M S, Rathna Prabhu V, Emmadi P, Raghuraman, Chamundeswari. Effect of oil pulling on Streptococcus mutans count in plaque and saliva using Dentocult SM Strip mutans test: A randomized, controlled, triple-blind study. Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry. 2008. vol 26 issue 1, [[/12-17.
  2. T. Durai Anand, C. Pothiraj, R. M. Gopinath, B. Kayalvizhi. Effect of oil-pulling on dental caries causing bacteria (PDF). African Journal of Microbiology Research. 2008 March. vol.(2) pp.063-066


Why The Mental Load is Making You Sick (Episode 319)

Why The Mental Load is Making You Sick (Episode 319)

In this episode, I’m unpacking a critical but often overlooked topic; how the unseen mental load is impacting your health. From managing household tasks to balancing caregiving responsibilities, women often carry an invisible burden that can directly contribute to...



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