This is an ode to Autumn, to Pie and to America.
When I lived in the south of England I had the wonderful privilege of having lots of American friends who introduced me to the world of pumpkin. Pumpkin bread, pie, bars and cookies are now familiar things to my taste buds, so it made sense that I make a healthier, grain free and tasty version myself.
I made this for a wee dinner party I was hosting to follow a thai prawn curry (obviously!) and it went down a treat, there was even a real life american in the room and they approved. Which also explains why there is not a lot of photos of it in its whole glory, we scoffed is rather quickly as it was so tasty!
It contains coconut oil – which is just brilliant for you body, just read my Benefits of Coconut Oil post for more info. It also, obviously, contains pumpkin which is a good source of vitamins A and C, ( great for eyesight and immune system and skin). This orange beast is also high potassium, manganese, copper and one of the B vitamins, riboflavin. Then throw in some magnesium, phosphorus, iron, folate, vitamins E and B6, niacin, thiamin . This pie packs some nutritional punch! The rest is really honey, spices and eggs.
And if you want more awesome healthy recipes that will do you good then make sure you click below to join my tribe!
So enjoy this wonderful pie at least once over this autumn period for!
Time Saving Tip!
You can use tinned pumpkin but that can be pricey! To prepare cooked Pumpkin just get a whole pumpkin stab it a few times with a knife and then put it in the oven whole, at about 180c for around an hour (for small/medium sized one), then it will be easy to remove seeds and skin and you can just scoop out the flesh for your pie (or bread). This is a budget friendly and quick way of getting your pumpkin ready for your pie!
* I don’t recommend eating this pie lots due to the crust being made of almonds which when heated can not be brilliant for the body and high in oxalates which can irritate sensitive digestive systems – it is fine for occasions but not for daily eating.

Pumpkin Pie
- Crust
- 200 g Ground Almonds
- Pinch of Salt
- 1 tsp Vanilla Essence no sugar
- 4 tsp Honey
- 5 tbsp Coconut Oil melted
- Pie Filling
- 400 g Cooked Pumpkin
- 2 Organic Free Range Eggs
- 3 tsp Cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp Nutmeg
- 1/2 tsp Ground Cloves
- 1 tsp Ground Ginger
- 3 tbsp Honey
- Zest + Juice of 1/2 Lemon
- 1 tsp Gelatin optional
- 1 tsp Vanilla Essence
- To make the crust mix all the ingredients together until it forms a wet dough.
- Push the dough into a greased 9 inch pie dish with your fingers and try to get a level and even crust. It should be about 1/2cm thick.
- Cook crust in oven at 170c for about 15 mins or until it is golden brown.
- Once done remove and cool crust.
- To make the filling just thoroughly blend all the pie filling until smooth.
- Once the crust is cool pour the filling into it and then bake for about an hour at 180c or until the filling is firm and no longer wobbles.
Serve with soured cream, kefir or on its own.
Eat hot or cold. Adapted from From all other Pumpkin Pie recipes!