by Kezia | Dec 6, 2017 | Drinks, Recipes
If you didn’t know already I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with coffee. I love it, my gut and body historically have hated it. But all in all, I am a total coffee snob and fiend. And there is nothing that screams Christmas more than a...
by Kezia | Apr 18, 2017 | Breakfast, Drinks, Nutrition, Recipes
When I discovered the seemingly odd combination of peanut butter and jam I was hooked. I think it was my Dad who first offered it to me on a piece of toast as a child, so thank’s Dad this is an ode to you. Today’s recipes is really a...
by Kezia | Jan 11, 2017 | Drinks, Nutrition, Recipes, Snacks + Treats
So out of all my weird obsessions, this is probably my weirdest. Turmeric. I flipping love the stuff!! Not particularly because of its delightful taste (trust me on its own mixed with water only it’s not...
by Kezia | Dec 1, 2016 | Breakfast, Drinks, Nutrition, Recipes
Even though it’s very cliche as a holistic nutritionist – I really do love a green smoothie. It is not a magical fix but it is a great way to get more greens, fibre and hydration into your day. And most of my clients are lacking in fibre, are...
by Kezia | Oct 11, 2016 | Breakfast, Drinks, Recipes, Snacks + Treats
It probably doesn’t come as a surprise but I eat some form of chocolate every darn day. Often in the form of a chocolate green smoothie or homemade chocolate brownies with a cup of tea or in the form of hot chocolate. And to be honest it is...
by Kezia | May 8, 2016 | Breakfast, Drinks, Recipes
I have to say I have been downing this green smoothie like there was some sort of world shortage! You know I love me some daily green smoothie action (if you don’t click here to find out why) because: they take like 2 minutes to make they...