Sugar #4 : The Benefits of Raw Honey

Feb 17, 2014 | Nutrition

sugarAfter three weeks of telling you the potential dangers  and detrimental impacts sugar and artificial  sweeteners can have on your health, I thought I was time to rave lyrically about the wonders of a particular healthy sweetener! As you can tell I am pretty against processed, refined sugar and I personally don’t eat any form of sugar from the sugar cane plant but that doesn’t mean my life is not sweet!

I imagine relief is pouring into your heart as you read these words that life can still be sweet even thought there is not white sugar or sweeteners involved!

Whilst I am very happy to inform you of this amazingly healing and nutritional ‘sugar’ it is worth remembering that any sort of natural sugar I recommend is still a sugar. It can still feed a sugar addiction, still spike blood insulin and can still be harmful to your health if used in excess or abused. So be warned, the bigger picture of sugar is to remove the addiction and dependency .
 ( Luckily for you I am currently working on a 28 day ‘Naturally SugarFree’ program for those if you who need some support and expertise for overcoming sugar dependency so to sign up or express an interest )

What is this naturally healthy sugar?

 Raw, cold pressed organic honey.

If you have read my food diaries then you will see that raw honey crops up often in my days if eating. I eat it with kefir, in my maple mocha, on my pancakes or in my delightful butter bites.

But what is it?

 Normally honey is a blend of varieties that is heated up and then bottled. It is normally heavily processed and treated so that all is left is a sugary syrup. Raw honey however is  never heated up, meaning that it retains all it’s nutrients and benefits, it is not heavily processed and is still in it natural form.  Often it is a more toffee consistency and has a stronger taste to it.

What are its benefits?

    • It’s an alkaline forming food (like vegetables), which helps to balance out all out acid forming food/diets. Having a body that is too acidic is not good and a result of our processed junk food diets. (Click here for what foods are acidic and alkaline).
    • It is jam packed with antioxidants, specifically Pinostrobin, which promotes healthy enzyme activity and we we all know not much happens in our bodies without enzymes! Source
    • I love probiotics as you all know, which is why I chose honey as it helps to support bifidobacteria due to raw honey’s naturally high pre/probiotics. It also doesn’t ferment in the stomach like sugar alcohols do and therefore will not not cause indigestion and it thought to even help aid reflux/indigestion problems.. 
    • It is anti bacterial and fungal . I used to work in a hospital on many different wards as a nursing assistant and would often see patients getting dressing applied that incorporated honey! These healing properties help facilitate a strong immune system and it helps to reduce inflammation!
    • It’s supposed to help morning sickness. I have never tried this but if your up the duff and feeling sick then it’s worth a try.
    • It is great for treating the cold. A cup of hot water lemon and raw honey with help heal soothe and clear your sinuses and taste much better than a Lemsip!
    • It is a great way to naturally treat acne and skin problems. Apply directly to troubled skin.
    • Some studies have shown it can actually help with regulating blood sugars and prevent insulin resistance and honey expert, Dr Ron Fessenden of the Honey Revolution,
       The perfect one-to-one ratio of fructose and glucose found in honey facilitates glucose intake to the liver, hence preventing an overload of glucose entering the blood circulation. And nature’s honey is the only sugar that possesses this special ability

  • Local raw honey is great for treating seasonal allergies.
  • It has hydrophilic properties meaning it is good for treating wounds as it draws out excess water which attracts less bacteria and allow faster healing.
  • I also use it for a whole host of beauty and skin care related things but that’s for another day!

 I buy in bulk (see link above) as it is cheaper and I am always finding more and more amazing uses for this natural sugar so it is well worth the pennies.

So rejoice in the joy of raw honey and and that not all forms of sugar are evil . And don’t fear for any of you who hate the taste of honey, next week I will share more ( yes more) naturally healthy sugar alternatives that can make your life suitably sweet.

Are you a honey fan? Ever tried raw honey?


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1 Comment


  1. 15 Amazingly Frugal Uses for Raw Honey - Super Naturally Healthy - […] will know from previous articles  about natural sweeteners and the benefits of raw honey, that raw honey is pretty awesome.…

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