One Year On After Ditching Shampoo & Going Natural

Mar 21, 2014 | Beauty & Skin

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In aid of breast cancer awareness – no makeup AND after a sweaty gym session!

Following on from last weeks foray into honey based face masks and cleansers I thought it was time to chat more about hair.

Last year I posted about how I  ditched shampoo and began pursuing natural hair care alternatives and now its time for an  update.

It has been a good and bad year for my hair. I have been loving the cheapness of ditching shampoo and the fact that harmful chemicals are being put onto and into my body every day  but ditching shampoo when you have lots of long hair is hard. Sorry to say it but it is. You need some serious commitment to do it BUT is pretty rewarding overall.

Check out some picture below (in aid of breast cancer awareness I am suitable makeup free and dishevelled) and as you can see my hair is clean – if in need of a comb and cut….(surely I am not the only who gets a hair cut once a year??)

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Erm yes my hair does need a brush….


So as you will know from this article I decided to pursue the ‘no poo’ method, which traditionally uses bicarbonate of soda and cider vinegar. This has altered over time as I found that combination too harsh on my hair and now I have made one big addition – raw honey!

Yes if you have read about the benefits of raw honey and how I use it as  face cleanser you are probably not a surprised.

I have have read of many people that only use raw honey for shampooing their hair with great results (see here for more info). I have worked out that both bicarbonate and raw honey works a treat for me hair, making it clean and strong.

So here are the pros and cons of pursuing natural hair care if you are thinking of pursuing it:


  • So much cheaper than buying organic/natural hair care products
  • you get great results (eventually)
  • You get to learn to listen to your body and what it needs
  • You end up with strong hair ( my hair dresser checked it out and said it was super healthy and strong!)
  • You get to be mother earth like and zen with nature (well sort of).

The cons

  • You have to be prepared for rough ‘detoxing’ days when your hair look crap – I have had lots on these in my experimentation and last anywhere from 4-12 weeks.
  • You have to remember to take bicarb and honey wherever you go.
  • You lose that artificial chemical causes ‘glossyness’.
  • People think you are a weird hippy and don’t wash your hair.
  • You really have to scrub your hair – no lazy hair washing allowed .
The entire mop itself!

The entire mop itself!

So if you want to try going shampoo free why not start using 1 tbsp of raw honey mixed with about 500ml of warm water and just scrub it into your hair  and rinse off. Or as I do use 1-2 tsp of bicarbonate with 1-2 tsp of raw honey , mixed with warm water, scrubbed into my hair before rinsing off. If you have just started though I highly recommend just going with raw honey as your hair will detox and adjust to using that only.

But you do have to be willing to listen to your body and try new things. I have to be honest my hair has seen some rough days and I have had to bear with some prolonged detox periods as I have such long and abundant hair with my mum saying things like ‘oh can your not just use shampoo and give it a comb‘. I have also yet to work out how to get the glossy and shininess that you get with all the synthetic chemicals with such large amounts of hair (I have read this whole process is easier with shorter hair) but am currently trying aloe vera gel and deep conditional almond oil treatment – so I will let your know what works! But as you can see my hair is in a pretty happy state despite the fact that it hasn’t been cut in 5 months!

So wonderful readers my hair is still a work in progress but as always I am happy to walk down the road of natural health and beauty and tell you all I have learned so that you don’t have to deal with manky hairs for any longer than needed. 

Got questions about the no poo method? The leave a comment below or come day ask me on facebook!

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  1. Hey Kezia!
    I get tonnes of comments about how shiny my hair is (no shampoo for me either!) but I think it’s henna that makes the difference. It binds to the hair and improves health over time.

    If you don’t want to be super red (but I don’t know why you wouldn’t 😉 ) you can use Cassia which is sometimes sold as ‘neutral’ or ‘blonde’ henna. It’s not really henna, but works similarly.

    • Yes i have tried henna but i don’t suit the red unfortunately and the idea of black henna was a bit daunting -so this blonde stuff sounds good, plus my name originates from the word Cassia so that would be fitting:)

  2. That’s great to read you had such a positive experience with the no-poo! I gave it a go for a while, and whilst it kind of worked for me, I ended up at my current routine – a little castille soap with ACV rinse as a conditioner. More natural than I was at anyway! Plus the no-poo thing got my hair used to not being washed much, so now I can go a week before people call me a crunchy hippy 😉

    Would love to read your updates on getting the glossy (chemical induced!) look – I do miss it some 😉

    • Yes me to – I dont need to wash my hair nearly as much as i used to – which is so good as it takes ages to dry” I will keep you updated with how i get on with the natural glossiness!


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