Introducing: The Noble Foodie

Sep 3, 2014 | Nutrition

IMG_3579-1024x1024I am so excited to post my first ‘Introducing:’ post. These slots are a chance for you to hear more about some amazing  bloggers, businesses and fellow creatives. These mini interview are part of my advertising/sponsor packages and it s great place to hear about other amazing ventures happening out there.

I love working with other people and love that the internet is so full of amazing resources, recipe and inspiration and today is a perfect example. Todays Introducing slot is about Bridget, aka The Noble Foodie, a fellow food/health blogger, but I will let  Bridget speak for herself


Tell me a bit about yourself Bridget. Why did you start the blog and what does life look like for you?
Hello! Thanks so much for having me, I am very happy to be here. I started writing my blog after being diagnosed with a gluten, wheat and dairy intolerance, which was triggering chronic asthma. To begin with, it was therapeutic for me to write about it and then I discovered I had such a passion for finding recipes using all natural ingredients. It turned something quite difficult into the most positive experience and I haven’t looked back since!
Then getting onto the important things of life – what would be included in your favourite 3 course meal?
Now we’re talking! I’d love a starter of grilled sardines, drizzled with lemon juice and a pinch of rock salt. I fell in love with sardines in Portugal, as my sister lives out there – so they’d have to be Portuguese! For the main course, it would have to be homemade Vietnamese Pho. I love this noodle soup with fresh vegetables, lemongrass and lots of ginger. Dessert would have to be a slice of homemade ginger cake with coconut dairy-free ice cream.

What are your favorite blog posts on your blog?
Here’s my top 5 – I love all these recipes and always love recreating them every week!

Healthy Hot Chocolate
Gluten Free Quiche Tartlets
Carrot, Ginger, Pear & Strawberry Juice
Hazelnut, Date & Maca Energy Ballssticky-hazelnut-balls3-1024x1024
Cheese or chocolate?
I used to be such a cheese lover but now it’s all about the chocolate. Pure chocolate made from raw cacao with lots of almonds and dates is my favourite. I also love using cacao to make a lovely hot chocolate.
What inspired you to keep on posting and creating your blog?
The support from the blogging communities on Twitter has really spurred me on – I find it so inspiring interacting with like-minded people who are all as creative as each other. I also get so inspired when readers write to me that they have tried a recipe and post their pictures on Instagram, it gives me so much motivation to keep coming up with great recipes for them to try next!
What are your dreams for the future?
My big dream at the moment is going to the College of Naturopathic Medicine to study Nutrition and really looking forward to learning more about the nutrition side of things. I am also moving to Brighton very soon and excited to be living by the seaside!
Which of your recipes would you say my readers HAD to try?
If you have a sweet tooth, without a doubt try the Ginger Cake. It is my absolute favourite with a scoop of dairy free ice cream. For a lunchtime salad, it has to be the fig, asparagus and avocado salad – such a fresh and vibrant salad.
Any tips for anyone thinking about starting a blog out there?
Always write about what you are passionate about and don’t be afraid to show your personality. Also try to embrace the blogging communities as you can find so much support from likeminded people. Personally connecting with other bloggers has helped me to grow in confidence and develop my own voice.
You mention on your blog that food has helped with your health problems – tell us more about this journey.
The only way I can describe it is the most wonderful discovery. Looking back, the journey started about 4 years ago when I had a bout of bronchitis that left me bed ridden. I often felt very frustrated with myself as I wasn’t quite “myself” but equally wasn’t sure what to do to feel better. It’s taken me a long time to get here and work out that eating naturally, avoiding gluten, wheat and dairy, is the only way to feel better both emotionally and physically. It sounds a bit dramatic but it has changed my life and in an instant, I felt myself again and full of life! Everything seems so much sunnier and it just gets better every day.
Finally – cake or biscuits?
It will always be cake for me! In particular, I just love a Victoria sponge cake with lots of cream and jam – gluten and dairy free of course 😉

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What are your favourite blog? Leave a link in the comment below!


    • I know! I love ginger cake so I may need to give this a whirl:)

    • I know – it’s so inspiring!


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