You may a tad confused by the title. Am I about to offer you a scone or a pancake?
Well dear readers I am merely being sensitive to your heritage. For the recipe below could be an alternative healthier version of thick American pancakes or a contemporary twist on the English Scotch Pancake or indeed the traditional Scottish drop scone – all pretty much resulting in the same little, round, warm delights that are the perfect topped with butter, honey or maple syrup.
I became thick American pancakes after a family holiday to California when I was young where I was often given mountains of pancakes for breakfast (the child’s portion believe it or not??) which was always covered fake maple syrup and margarine.
Then at a farmers market near my parents house I encountered a lovely old lady sitting making drop scones on a cast iron skillet that looked amazing (similar to american pancakes) but was served cold covered in butter and jam. Ever since then I have adored a breakfast (lunch or dinner) filled with round cakey goodness, smothered in organic butter and maybe a rasher or two of bacon on the side.
I think it must the the Autumnal air that makes me want to share this recipe with you. All of a sudden it is colder and crisper, and all of a sudden I want something to accompany my lonely eggs in the morning! So pancakes have been making a reappearance (although they hardly went very far away) and this resurgence of round delights also coincided with my current obsession of baking with ground linseeds.
Now I am currently experimenting lots with this wondrous little seed to see how it holds up as a ‘flour’ as after much research I want to reduce baking with ground almonds as much as possible and limit it to occasional treats due to the presence of oxalate’s within them and the oxidation process when it is heated up – but more on that in another post!
These pancakes are wonderful, hearty, substantial and fluffy. They are grain free but don’t fall apart on your fork and will give you a brilliant boost of omega 3 – a much needed fatty acid. They are quick to make and linseeds are easy to get hold of and very reasonably priced. You can buy then ground but I advise investing in a cheap coffee grinder so you can just grind your own when needed to ensure you get all the (slightly unstable) fatty goodness within these seeds. (The one I use is at the bottom).
Enjoy with whatever you like and if you dislike linseeds or find these too heavy, rest assured I can make pancakes from pretty much anything and will share other recipes with you in due course!

Breakfast Linseed Pancakes
- 200 g Ground Linseeds flaxseeds
- 4 Organic Eggs
- Pinch Salt
- 2 tbsp Cinnamon
- Roughly 200ml Water/Milk/Fluid - you want enough to make it a thick milkshake consistency
- 1 Large Ripe Banana
- To Serve
- Organic Butter
- Raw Honey/Maple Syrup
- Place all the ingredients except the water in a bowl and mix together.
- As the linseeds absorb lots of water, add the water/fluid gradually until the mixture becomes more runny - although it will remain quite a stodgy mixture. You may not need all the 200ml of liquid, a lot will depend on how dry the seeds are you are using.
- In a hot pan with some fat (ghee, butter, animal fat, coconut oil) dollop tbsp of the mixture and cook on each side for about 2-3 mins on a medium heat.
- Serve with anything your like .
These are definitely more on the drop scone end of pancakes due to the stodgy mixture but don't worry too much they taste amazing!
Feel free to use golden or brown linseeds. Mine were made with brown - hence the darker colour.
Feel free to add blueberries, more banana or spices to add extra flavour.