The quarter-final happened this week! That means time has gone by so very quickly – 9 whole weeks.
I hope you have been enjoying this little series of mine. From Custard Cups, to Soda Bread Loaves to Trifles – it has been health food galore – with only one more week to go!
This week I decided something savoury was needed so I am sharing with your some simple canape recipes for those occasions when you want to wow people with tiny pre-dinner food. I used to work in my teenage years as a waitress and used to be one of those lovely ladies who offered canapes around at weddings and would happily just eat a meals worth of them when no one was looking!
This first canape I take no credit for. My beautiful sister in love (I prefer that to ‘law’) made these for us last christmas and what a genius she is.
I call them Bacon Blankets and consist of two ingredients – bacon and dates and are perhaps the easiest thing to make ever! Perhaps not elegant or sophisticated, as bacon rarely look anything other than pig – but these are truly delicious so I doubt anyone will care!

Bacon Blankets
- 10 Organic Dates - ones with no added sugars/syrups
- 10 Rashers Free Range/Organic streaky Bacon
- Take one date and wrap one rasher of bacon around it tightly and place on a greased tray or grill pan.
- Repeat process with all dates and bacon slices.
- Cook in oven at 180c for about 10-15mins or cook under a medium grill, turning regularly for about 10 mins.
- Enjoy.
Just add more dates and bacon for more people!

The next canape is born out of my love of mini oatcakes – which I can’t currently eat (here’s why). So I have made an ode to them and although they taste nothing like oatcakes the look similar and are brilliant for any topping you like.They have a lovely cheesy, warm flavour, and are perfect base of any topping (plus they look cute when all lined up!) I enjoy smoked salmon so thats my topping of choice but as you can see from the images I also enjoyed them topped with my Chutney and some lettuce – so feel free to add your topping of choice.

Add some crispy lettuce and chutney for a probiotic canape!
These are cheesy and simple to make and the perfect base for relishes, chutneys, anchovies, cheeses, grated apple/pear or anything else you fancy.

Cheddar Bites
- 75 g Ground Linseeds
- 25 g Red Spilt Lentils
- 20 g Grated Organic Cheese
- Salt and Pepper - pinch each
- 3 Pinches of Cayenne pepper optional
- 2 Organic Eggs
- 2 tsp Coconut Oil melted
- Topping
- Smoked salmon organic cream cheese, pepper, chutney, romaine lettuce - in whatever quantities your wish!
- Preheat oven 180c.
- Blend all the dry ingredient together.
- The make a well and break in the eggs and mix well. Add the coconut oil and mix throughly.
- The get two sheets of grease proof paper. Place the dough sandwiched between each sheet and using a rolling pin roll until 1/2 cm thin.
- Tip - Keep peeling off the top sheet of paper to ensure is doesn't stick too much.
- Then get yourself a round cutter and flip the rolled out dough over - still sandwiched in the paper and peel back the new top layer of grease proof paper .
- Cut out the small round circles and place on greased and lined baking tray.
- Cook for 15 mins at 170c and then for an hour at 75-100c to allow them to dry out.
Cant find ground linseeds ? You could use a coffee grinder to make them fine, or put them in a small food processor for a couple of minute or feel free to substitute ground almonds for linseeds and lentils combined - this should work fine you may just need to use more ground almonds as they are less absorbent.