To celebrate the fact that its is Friday AND the fact that I have seen sunshine pretty much all week here is a fun new treat to add to your naturally healthy sweet treat arsenal.
Recently our oven broke and the need for tasty, gooey cake like treats was necessary. Plus when it hot outside I don’t really fancy turning the oven on and making our 4 floor, 100 year old, flat even hotter. AND when your eat things raw often you get a higher concentration of the vitamins and mineral (not all the time though as cooking can enhance the bio availability of some foods like in broccoli for example) which means you can have your raw cake, get one of your five a day and fill you body with tons of good stuff. Cake with vitamins – I feel that is my life message!
This is a completely raw, meaning it has not been cooked in any way, carrot ‘cake’. I use the term cake lightly as due to its raw state this is not like your standard cake texture, but it is super moist and full of flavour – my beautiful pregnant sister is a fan so I see that as a good sign. Its full of vitamin c, beta carotene, protein, healthy fats and flavour. This is the kind of cake you could get away with eating for breakfast – oh yes your heard me right…
The cream cheese icing is to die for. I basically just ate a bowl of that last night – so be warned. Whilst the dairy free frosting is perfect for strict non dairy eaters and would make this a completely vegan cake.

As a cupcake with the dairy free frosting, topped with lavender!
As always try to use all organic ingredients as yes they are more expensive but our health is the sum of what we invest in it.
Ohh and if you want to see what filming antics I will be up to this weekend as I shoot a wee super naturally healthy video then make sure you follow me on instagram to witness the chaos, the cake and the feast I cook for my family.
Want to enjoy more recipe like this and finally get slim and healthy. Want to start eating healthy and shift extra weight but not sure where to start? Then make sure you sign up for my Naturally Slim ecourse starting July 28th

Raw Carrot 'Cake'
- 4 carrots grated
- 30 g coconut cream
- 4 tbsp coconut oil - melted
- 1 cup of almond flour/ground almonds
- 3 tbsp coconut sugar optional
- 100 g walnuts
- 100 g fresh pineapple
- 8 medjool dates
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1/2 cup desiccated coconut
- 2 pinches of nutmeg
- 250 g cream cheese
- tsp vanilla essence
- 2 tbsp raw honey
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- zest of half a lemon
- 3 tbsp melted coconut oil
- OR
- 100 g soaked cashews
- 3 tbsp coconut oil
- tsp vanilla essence
- 2 tbsp raw honey
- 2 tbsp maple syrup
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- In a food processor blend the dates, coconut oil and coconut cream until fully combined and pureed.
- Add the almond flour, spices, pineapple and blend until smooth.
- Add the walnut and carrots (and sugar if using) and blend until at desired consistency. I like it to have bit of nut and carrot in and just pulses it.
- Remove from food processor and mix by hand until thoroughly combined. Taste it and see if you want to add more honey to it to suit your taste.
- For either icings/frosting just blend (for cashews dairy free frosting) or mix (for cream cheese icing) until smooth.
- Push into you desire cake shape and allow to set for an hour in fridge.
Last for 3-4 days in fridge.
Freeze without icing and ice once defrosted.
Feel free to use any other nut you fancy:)
where do yo get your coconut milk/cream from Kezia ?
I always buy coconut cream or creamed coconut as it’s cheaper than milk. I get my creamed coconut ( hard blocks) from amazon in bulk as it the only place I can find it organic. Although supermarkets will sell creamed coconut in the Asian or world food aisle . Coconut cream is normally available at supermarket in same aisle- blue dragon is only make I have seen and it’s the soft and cream like unlike the hard cream coconut blocks so better for instant use.
Thanks Kezia. would imagine your coconut blocks would last longer too.
Yes they are way more economical which is why I use them the most:)
These sound great, I’ll definitely have to try the cream cheese icing!
It so good with peanut butter, i think that combo reverse another recipe in itself!