How to Make Magnesium Oil Spray

Aug 4, 2014 | Beauty & Skin

magnesium oilHave you seen fancy magnesium oil spray adorning your local health food shelf? Or maybe you read my post last week about the benefits of magnesium and are wondering how to get more of it into your system other than enjoying tons of vegetables?

Well you know I love a good DIY beauty of household product and this is one of my favourites – Magnesium Oil!

Last week I shared with you all the amazing benefits that ensuring your have adequate magnesium in your body can do and obviously the main way to benefit from this is through diet but this oil is a great, natural and easy supplement.

The beauty of this oil is that you absorb it through your skin (trasndermally), so for those of you who have sensitive digestion, are healing your gut or generally not in great health, then this will just go straight into you blood stream and be absorbed without interfering with your digestive system. Basically it gives your stomach a break, plus we often don’t absorb artificial supplements well as they are not in a bioavailable/natural form, so this is a perfect, natural way to get magnesium in you that will also look after any unhappy guts. (Read morea bout the importance of gut health here.)
I started using this last year, my sister is now a fan , as is my mum – so I highly recommend you give it a go!

You can buy the flakes from amazon and they double up as a great detoxifying bath soak (just a few handfuls to your bath with some lavender oil is lovely) and follow the recipe below for your high end, high quality, low cost supplement.

If your not sure what the big deal is with this magnesium malarky then read here for more info, but basically it can help you sleep better, help with aches and pain, help balance hormones, rest less legs… basically endless things.

Magnesium Oil Spray

500ml filter freshly boiled/warm water
3 tbsp Magensium Chloride Flakes (see below)
A spray bottle

Basically add the flakes tot he hot water and stir until dissolved. Then once cool place into a spray bottle – ideally glass but use what you have.

(Sorry no picture my camera deleted them all for some reason!! I consoled myself with chocolate milk…)

How to use?

Spray about 10-15 sprays on your tummy and arms each night. It may tingle or sting slightly at first but this is just a sign of a deficiency so persevere but if it is very stingy then simply dilute the oil with more water. I wouldn’t recommend spraying it on your face or shins  or any broken skin as this will sting a lot. It is safe to use in pregnancy as far as i am aware, my preggers sister is still using it and is one happy pregnant lady (except when she is hungry).
(Also is supposed to double up as a deodorant – not tried it but worth a shot ?!)

Ever tried magnesium oil spray? What are your favourite DIY recipes?



  1. Ah, thanks! I’ll make it with magnesium chloride next time so 🙂

  2. Lovely idea! I tried making my own magnesium oil using your recipe but in my excitement I used epsom salts instead of magnesium chloride, not realising they are not the same thing. What’s your thoughts on that?

    • Ahh yes I had that problem . Basically Epsom salts are brilliant for baths an detoxing but magnesium chloride is more absorbable so better for magnesium oil as it means you get more of the good stuff in you:)

    • I know slightly shocking! So many things are like that – body scrubs, moisturiser I have even make my own washing powder!



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