3 Ways to Become Less of A Sugar Junkie!

Jan 14, 2016 | Nutrition



Anxious, insecure and down right BLAH. 


This is a description for how I felt at the start of the year and although I bet I imagine I am not alone in that feeling I am probably pretty unique in why I think it the case.


For me, I know that an anxious, sad self, comes from too much sugar. Over the festive period I eat lots more  treaty goodness than normal (who doesn’t and I totally love it) and every year I have the annual freak out and they I remove the refined sugar and heck feel normal again!!


Often people at this time of year are freaking out about losing weight and fitting into their clothes which I totally get but I am all about getting to the root issues whether that be with health issues like IBS, hormones imbalance, acne, reflux, insomnia or things like depression, and one of the root causes for lots of poor health (as well as wobbly bellies) is too much-refined sugar.


So today in this mini video I am going to share with you my top 3 ways to become less of a sugar junkie, insights really taken from my transformational Beat the Sweet: 21 Day Sugar Challenge which is set up to help you ditch the sugar addiction. Click here to find out when the next challeneg begins!



Click here to join the next workshop!


More info:

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