8 {Loving} Ways to Boost Weight Loss

Dec 5, 2015 | Nutrition, Weight Loss


So this week I weighed myself for the first time since January.


You see I don’t like to weigh myself regularly as I used to be quite obsessed by it and let the digital number dictate my mood so I stopped. But this week I wanted to see if my jean really had shrunk in the wash or if I had just beautifully and temporarily expanded.


Alas it was the latter.


So I thought I would share some of my 8 top tips that I am putting back into place this week to ensure I feel and best…and don’t have to buy a new pair of jeans!


8 {Loving} Ways to Boost Weight Loss


Before I begin I want to emphasis the word LOVING here. After years of being a cruel hard bully to myself I have realise that lasting and effective weight loss (I lost 2.5 stone 10 years ago and have kept it off) is actually about taking small loving, kind but powerful steps. Mindset is key for it to actually work and it needs to come from a foundation that you are ALREADY beautiful and valuable, you don’t need to lose weight to become this, you are already:)

But lets dive in…

1. Green Smoothies. A great way to boost weight loss and all round health are with green smoothies! I stopped having them for a while but am getting back into the swing of them taking recipes from my Simple Green Smoothie eBook and Eat & Be Merry recipe eBook which has some winter smoothie recipes in. But there are loads you can choose from on the internet.
I am aiming to have a green smoothie for breakfast  few times a week with lots of things like ginger and turmeric in. And people who have done my Green Smoothie Challenge have often effortlessly lost lots of weight by doing this .(*Next challenge opens 2nd January – you can sign up to waiting list here)

2. Vitamin C .
Studies have shown that ‘vitamin C depleted individuals may be more resistant to fat mass loss.’ So make sure you are having some regular doses of vitamin C – this is the one I take daily.

3. Self care.
I have not been great at this recently hence eating pecan and cardamon brownies for lunch and having eye brows like my grandma! But making time for little things like a hot bath, cooking you favourite curry or seeing a friend is all a part of our self-care and plays a big role in weight loss. Shedding fat is NOT just about what you eat it’s about your lifestyle and ultimately weight gain is a sign of an area of imbalance in your life, some unmet need and this is often in the area of self-love.(Oprah would be proud!)

4. Stop counting, tracking, pointing or whatever. I don’t count calories never have, never will, and sure I know it works for some people but I have yet to coach or meet someone who have successfully lost weight and kept it off long-term by counting calories or tracking food. Lasting success comes by listening to your body.

5. Get connected.
One daily habit that I do think is super useful when it comes to seeing results is keeping a daily journal of how you’re doing and what you eating, not from a calories perspective but from a how am I doing one. I use my free Flourish Health Journal for this which you can download for free below:)

6. Don’t go running.
Controversial right? But I have met countless women that run regularly and still don’t lose weight. Why? Because often this steady state cardio does not burn loads of fat as your body gets used to it. Or for some people there is some health issues going on and running is just an added stress.

To really help boost weight loss aim to build muscle with weight training or thing like pilates and do some High Internal Training  3 times a week if there are no underlying health issues.

7. Get to the root of the problem. If you have been diligently been trying to lose weight for months and seen just a few pounds shift then perhaps there is some other health issues at bay. On going food intolerances, hormonal imbalance, a sluggish liver, adrenal fatigue or other things can prevent you body from want to shed fat. If you think that is you then one2one coaching could be what you need to heal your body so you can shed some fat – click here to find out more and book free initial consultation.


8. Get wise NOT deprived. I say this a lot on my Flourish eCourse but it is so true. Don’t just ditch all you most favourite foods (unless you do best on completely abstaining from food – more on that in an upcoming blog) as it will cause your to rebel.

I did this week and was just like ‘I am not going o have this and this and this’ and by day 3 I just wanted to eat cake! Lesson learned. I just needed to have healthier versions so as we speak I am sipping on my chocolate and ginger smoothie which is like desert in a glass but also super healing and filling.


So these are the 8 ways that I am going to be shrinking back into my jeans before the festive madness begins.But make sure you tell me in comment what are you top tips?


And if you are feeling the same then I would love to do this journey with you!  I am starting a 21 Day Flourish Festive Blast this Monday that is going o be a super loving, gentle and fun way to stay on track, eat awesome food and get some support this month. It is like a mini taster of my Flourish eCourse and is FREE when you by my new Eat& Be Merry recipe ebook. But hurry you have until Sunday 6th Dec to sign up!

Click here to join the 21 Day Flourish Festive Blast!


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