My Favorite Things: 20 Uses for Bicarbonate of Soda

Aug 21, 2013 | Nutrition

bicarb - mabel copy

Now for those of you who have seen the film My Big Fat Greek Wedding where her Greek dad uses windex for every single ailment, spot, issue or cleaning dilemma, you can now picture my relationship with Bicarbonate of Soda. 

Any problem or ailment – well surely Bicarb with fix it? Got a stubborn stain – well why not try some Bicarb on it? Its a miracle substance in my books.

Read 20 uses of Bicarb here at Mabels blog, where I am resident Health Guru.

(Don’t worry there are FAR more than 20 uses but I am just teasing you and will share more with you soon!)

Also don’t forget this week is your LAST CHANCE to win an exclusive Nutrition Coaching Session with me for free! So if you want some expert holistic nutritional advice to deal with IBS, digestive problem, eczema, weight loss or any other long term health conditions then Click here to enter  – I will be announcing the winner next week.

Why do you have awful PMS? (Ep 290)

Why do you have awful PMS? (Ep 290)

Why do you have awful PMS? Why the low mood, sore boobs, insomnia? Why do you feel like crying all the time? Why do you get really anxious or depressed? What is with PMS? Is it a normal part of being a woman or is there stuff you can do about it? Spoiler alert......



  1. DIY Beauty: Natural Organic Deodorant | Super Naturally Healthy with Kezia Hall - [...] oil is  moisturising and again antibacterial and the bicarb – it is well just a wonder (read here for…

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