This weeks Great British Bake Off Meets Real Food looks at the glorious topic of desserts! This is very exciting as we all love a good dessert!
This weeks episode was rather tense (in my opinion ) as we had to watch them construct creme anglais, trifle, 32 identical petit fours – I am so glad I am not a contestant!
So it has provided a wonderful challenge as this week I decided to tackle the Trifle. Not only a bog standard trifle but a grain free naturally healthy one – meaning I use not flours starches or grain of any kind and am using lots of natural FATS and only natural sugars.
Growing up I never had a great affinity to the humble trifle, I think I always ended up eating ones where the cake was just soggy. When I reached adult years I realised that when trifle was done well it could be more than a 80’s slightly tacky dessert but a wonderfully impressive and classy dish.
Then I met my Husband and trifle happens to be his most favourite dessert, so after being together for over 2 years I thought it was time I made him one, a super naturally healthy one though. This is quite a decadent and sweet dessert so I wouldn’t recommend it for regular daily/hourly consumption (although thats what you will want to do once you have tried it) but when you want a dessert that impresses the pants of off people and or to beautifully follow a family roast then this is your (healthy and real food) option.
And for of you dessert eaters who have yet to be convinced by the Trifle – this recipe will show you how delicious and awesome trifle can be. I am a total trifle convert after making this! Its amazing.
Long live the Trifle!
How to make it
For this recipe I have given you instructions to make the sponge but if you have sort of cake left over and it needs using then a trifle is a great way to use it up.
Also I went with jam instead of jelly as I wanted to try out a refined sugar free jam recipe as blackberries are in season and elderberries are very soon to be (free fruit is awesome!)Feel free to use jelly instead.
- Jam Making.
- Jam making.
- Puree your jam if you want it smooth!
- Don’t forget to line your tin!
- Mix the dry sponge ingredient together and blend the wets ones. Then combine.
- Whisk your eggs and honey before gradually adding the hot/warm milk.
- Creme Anglaise = continuous stirring!
- Cut the cake to fit your bowl or serving dish.
- Assembling! Sponge then jam..
- Pour the custard/creme anglais on top of the jam layer. Allow it to set.
- All the layers!
- The final thing!

Blueberry and Lemon Trifle
- Sponge
- 250 g Ground Almonds
- 50 g Organic butter
- 3 Large eggs organic/free range
- 5-6 Drops vanilla essence sugar free
- 3 tbsp honey
- Pinch of salt
- ½ tsp bicarb
- Jam
- 200 g Blueberries
- 2 tbsp Honey
- 2 tbsp Water
- Custard
- ½ litre Whole organic milk/raw milk
- 5 Egg yolks
- Vanilla essence
- Gelatine - optional
- 3 tbsp Honey
- Lemon soured cream
- 200 ml of Organic/raw cream that’s been soured .
- 2-3 tspn Honey
- Zest of 1 lemon
- Juice of 1 lemon
- Put the blueberries in a pan on a low heat add honey and water. Allow it to come to simmer and then turn really low. Add more water if necessary.
- Preheat your oven to 170c (fan assisted). Line and grease a sandwich/cake tray.
- Meanwhile begin the sponge and blend/whisk the eggs, honey, butter and vanilla essence together – it should look creamy.
- Mix the ground almonds, salt and bicarb together in a mixing bowl.
- Add the wet sponge ingredients to the dry and whisk together.
- Once mixed well spoon into the cake tin and level off.
- Place in oven for about 30 minutes or until cooked and the top bounces back if gently pushed.
- Meanwhile check on the blueberries. To check for its setting point, ie when the jam will become more solid and jammy, place a plate in the fridge to let it cool. The remove it and dab a small amount of the hot jam onto it. Once cooled push it with your finger and is a skin has formed on the top then it has reached setting point. Don’t worry too much about this as you are just making it for the trifle – it will still taste lovely. It will take approximately 20-25 min to reach setting point.
- Next is to make the custard/crème anglaise.
- I wanted very defined layer in my trifle so I put gelatine in the custard in order for it to set. It you like runny custard in you trifle feel free to omit this. Also depending on your preference you may want to use all the custard in your trifle or just half – depending on how indulgent you want it to be. Any remaining custard can be kept in the fridge for 2-3 days.
- Whisk your egg yolks in with the honey. Meanwhile heat up the milk in a pan till simmering but make sure it doesn’t boil. Remove from heat.
- Then gradually add the warm milk to the eggs stirring the whole time. Add the vanilla essence.
- Once fully combined pour the mixture back into the pan and put on a very low heat and stir.
- If you are using gelatine then in a separate bowl make a paste with the gelatine and some of the custard mixture making sure there are no lumps. If you have some lumps just use a hand blender on the gelatine mixture before returning it to the pan.
- Keep an eye on the custard as again you don’t want it to boil, but you should begin to see it thicken. When its consistency has thickened then remove it from heat. Allow to cool.
- To make the lemon cream mix all the ingredients in a bowl but be carefully not to over beat the cream. Soured cream tend to look more like clotted cream as it can be very thick so you may need to work it/stir it for a while to soften it down. Taste the mixture and feel free to add more sweetness or lemon.
- Assembling!! Now you can be a creative as you like. I went traditional and in a glass bowl placed the sponge base. Then I covered it with the blueberry jam, making sure the edges were clean and crisp in order to defined the edges.
- Then once the custard has cool a little pour the mixture over the blueberry jam gently. Place in the fridge and allow to set.
- Once the custard has thicken/set (if using gelatine) then you can place the cream on top and decorate it however you like. I put more lemon zest and fresh blueberries on mine!
- Enjoy!
If you overcook your blueberry jam and it becomes rather solid or jelly like then don’t fear, just whizz it up with a hand blender/food processor with some honey and tbsp water and it will become a runny jam again and still taste wonderful in your trifle.
My sponge is quite brown flecked as I just grinded fresh whole almonds with the skin on , if you use ground almonds you will be a much paler 'sponge' colour
Feel free to experiment with flavours- blackberry jam would also be lovely in this , as would banana and coconut for a tropical twist!