Did you know that this week was National Chocolate Week? I mean what a great themed week!
I have to say I only realised this on Wednesday as I am pretty slow at catching up with such things, like this week I was in town and was pretty horrified at all the children truanting and muttering things like ‘this never happened when I was at school’ only to then realise its half term up here in Scotland…
But I digress from the very important topic of this post – chocolate.
I love chocolate and proudly come from a long line of chocoholics. From my grandma has a particular passion for a cream and chocolate combination, whilst my mum if required can sniff out chocolate in any environment and always has it on hand in a crisis and my sister who has always managed to have sneaky mini bars of green and blacks in her nappy bag along with everything else whilst trying to leave the house with tiny tots. So needless to day its in my blood, I have just made it into a healthy thing.
You see when we take about healthy food and eating well we are always talking about quality. Quality chocolate, the dark, raw, high cocoa percentage chocolate is actually good for you. Its the processed cheap junky stuff that is going make home on your love handles! Chocolate is actually a great source of magnesium which is needed for skin, hair, fertility, hormones, sleep – etc, in fact I would recommend people have sources of cacao or cocoa in their diet. Plus if you eat quality chocolate products or homemade ones they are often so full of good fats that you simply can eat tons of them either. So when it comes to getting healthy and treat – quality is key.
So to celebrate the facts it Friday and that I have a new virtual home I thought I would do a round-up of my 5 favourite chocolate recipe that are perfect for quality treats! All of these are gluten and grain free and have no (or very little) refined sugar in!
Its chocolate the super naturally healthy way:)
1. Peanut Butter Cups. Salty but sweet – these are my utter vice – hence making a healthier version!
2.Raw Brownie-Fudge. Two amazing things joined in matrimony.
3. Chocolate Milk. It makes me feel like I am 6 again and that is always a good thing!
4. Chocolate Fudge Cake. My go to chocolate for birthday and any celebration – made with mainly beetroot so surprisingly healthy!
5.Homade Dark Chocolate. Sometime you just need plain old chocolate and when that happens just whip up a batch of this in about 5 minutes.
And to be honest there are SO many chocolate recipes on this site – just search chocolate int he search engine to find a chocolatey treat that will be kind on your body and is of the quality your body deserves:)
What is you favourite chocolate recipes?