Oil Cleansing: Naturally Beautiful Skin

Jan 8, 2015 | Beauty & Skin


We all want to have beautifully soft and clear skin do we not? And no this is not going to be an Olay advert, I just want to share with you one of the simplest ways to cleanse your skin and remove makeup that is natural and effective, with just one ingredient that is probably already in your house!


As you will know from my other beauty post, like DIY organic facial moisturiser or my homemade nose strips posts I am all about homemade and natural skin care. Di you know that your skin absorbs around 70% of what you put in it? Whether that is make up, cleaning products, face wash, shower gel , whatever it is, it’s going into our body. Most of us think of our skin as a defence for our body, it keeps stuff out and although that is true it is also the largest organ we have that is super absorbent and we need to look after it.

(Which is why I get my make up and other non homemade stuff from lovelula.com – I love everything I have tried so far. Next on my list is natural nail varnish!)

If you eat beautifully healthy food but every day load your body with junk like lead filled lipstick, bleach filled cleaning products or paraben packed shampoo then your body is still having to work super hard to detoxify.


So its time to welcome in Oil Cleansing! 


Oil cleansing is described as the following: 

“The basic concept of this skin care and cleansing method is that the oil used to massage your skin will dissolve the oil that has hardened with impurities and found itself stuck in your pores. The steam will open your pores, allowing the oil to be easily removed. Should you need it, the smallest drop of the same oil formula patted over damp skin will provide the necessary lubrication to keep your skin from over-compensating in oil production.” Source

Add oil to my skin you must be joking! I get enough spots as it is!

Well the idea of oil cleansing is that like attracts like, so as you add oil to your skin you draw out the impurities and harmful oils and can remove them. I have super sensitive skin and can be quite reactive but I have never suffered from acne but acne.org says the following: 

Fact: Oil dissolves oil. One of the most basic principles of chemistry is that “like dissolves like.” The best way to dissolve a non-polar solvent like sebum/oil, is by using another non-polar solvent similar in composition: Other oils. By using the right oils, you can cleanse your pores of dirt and bacteria naturally, gently and effectively, while replacing the dirty oil with beneficial ones extracted from natural botanicals, vegetables and fruit that heal, protect and nourish your skin. When done properly and consistently, the OCM (oil cleansing method) can clear the skin from issues like oily skin, dry skin, sensitive skin, blackheads, whiteheads and other problems caused by mild to moderate acne–while leaving your skin healthy, balanced and properly moisturized.”

Plus this blogger managed used oil cleansing to clear up her acne so check her out as oil cleaning was a key aspect of her getting naturally clear skin.

Oil cleansing is basically using an oil (olive oil, almond oil, castor oil, coconut oil) massaging it into your skin, then adding a hot flannel and gently wipe oil off. I have used expensive cleaners in the past and they have stung my skin left my skin feeling stripped and super dry. plus The great thing about this is that you don’t have to moisturise after and that this is super cheap so can save you £30-40 that us women commonly spend on skin care.

oil clenasing 2












Different skin types

Here are some recommendation from Katie at wellnessmama.com, I personally haven’t tried these combinations, but as I have dry skin I just swap between using olive oil and almond oil but if you want to get more technical they try these different combinations out what happens.

Also feel free to swap this oil cleansing method with my other simple honey cleansing method (which can also be a facemask too) I use both of then interchangeably.

So if your sick of spending lots on money on expensive (chemical filled) cleansing product or complicated skin care regime or have really problem skin, then I totally recommend giving this a try,


  1. Oil – olive, almond, castor, hazelnut
  2. A flannel
  3. Hot water



  • Grab 1 tbsp of oil and massage it into your face for about a minute – this will be great at getting rid of make especially mascara!
  • Get your water hot water from the tap and saturate your flannel until it is hot, rinse it out and place the warm flannel on your face.
  • Leave it there for about 30 seconds or longer if you like. Then GENTLY rub the oil off your but it is ok for some oil to remain.

I rarely need to moisturise afterward but if I do I use my homemade stuff.
I do this is the evening to remove make up but it works great in the shower too. For a deep cleanse then feel free to leave the oil on longer and repeat the hot flannel part several times.

What are your favourite beauty regimes? What works really well for your skin?


(Also remember clear skin has a lot to do with how healthy you are, the food you eat and how balanced your hormones are. If you need to learn how to actually eat well and in a way that causes your body to thrive then make sure you sign up to Flourish, which starts tomorrow, and will show you how to be healthy slim and thriving for life! Click here to sign up )



Katies Post


Oil Cleaning website


  1. I am heard a lot about this, but never tried it myself. I really need to improve my skin though, as it isn’t as fresh looking as it used to be.

    • I have found it really works and is super simple – PLus saves time as it moisturises and cleanses in one go!

  2. i cleanse/ moisturise with just coconut oil and it’s lovely!

    • Coconut oil is so good for so many things!


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