The last few weeks has been marked by a slight marshmallow obsession and the daily scoffing of these little squares of fluffy delight.
I used to love marshmallows as a kid and especially loved the game fluffy bunnies which involved stuffing as many in the mouth at once whilst still saying fluffy bunnies (youth workers will know what I am talking about) and they were one of the only sweetie type things I actually like (I am mainly all about chocolate and cake).
But after learning about all the amazing health benefits of good quality gelatine. When I began doing the GAPS diet a few years ago I first encountered it but have only recently incorporated it into my diet regularly. The benefits of quality gelatine are many, very similar to those of bone broth really but here is a quick round up of them:
- Good source of protein. I use it as a bit of a natural protein powder in my smoothies and it great of building muscle and repair.
- Aid digestion. Gelatine binds to water very easily therefore making bowels smoother and happier.
- Healing agent. It is a great healing food for those with any digestive or auto immune issues going on.
- Source of collagen. So it is great for tightening skin, help remove cellulite and also for hair and nails too.
- Aids sleep. Gelatine contains amino acid glycine which is “an inhibitory neurotransmitter, which can decrease anxiety and promote mental calmness” (source) and this study shows some measurable improvement of sleep when gelatine is consumed.
- Great for joints. I have been having some issues with my joints recently which is why I am upping my gelatine game. It is anti inflammatory and help protect and strengthen the bones as this study shows when used with athletes it improved joint pain.
So as you can see there are many benefits to good old gelatine but as with nearly everything I say here it is really good to buy top quality stuff. I buy quality pastured raised gelatin as it basically means you get more nutrients. It’s pricey but it lasts you for ages and a little goes a long way.
But back to the main topic at hand – marshmallows. Which are awesome and should be eaten often.
What was your favourite sweet growing up? Have you ever used gelatin before?
>>> Get the gelatin HERE

Homemade Marshmallows
- 500 ml water
- 3 tbsp gelatin
- 7-8 tbsp raw honey
- pinch salt
- 1/2 tsp beetroot juice
- 3 probiotic capsules
- In a bowl mix the gelatin with 250ml of water and mix and then put aside (it will go hard).
- Then in a pan heat up the remaining honey and water until it simmers. Then simmer and stir regualrly for about 7 minutes or until it gets to about 110c if you have a sugar thermometer.
- Then in a mixer, with an electric whisk or I used myfood processor with a whisk attachment, put in the gelatine mix and then slowly add the hot honey mixture and then leave it mixing for about 15-20 minutes - or until peaks form and it is super fluffy. In the last minute as the probiotics and the beetroot. (Add more beetroot for a stronger colour.)
- Then pour into a grease proof papered glass dish and leave to set in the fridge, then simply chop into desire size/shapes.
What about vegetrain gelatine?
I have never tried it but I guess it would work – let me know if it works or not:)
I hadn’t thought of using gelatine this way! My normal method of making jelly is simply to add fruit juices (and maybe chopped fruit) to gelatine, but that’s the only thing I’ve used it for up til now. These marshmallows sound absolutely divine! Plus I didn’t know that gelatine might help me sleep better 🙂
Yes me neither but gelatine is one super food:)