I am SUCH a big fan of soups.
In fact I am a big fan of all things ‘S‘.
Soups, smoothies and salads (that are proper and full of good things like walnut goats cheese or steak!). And as it is Halloween and PUMPKIN galore here is a wonderful savoury recipe for any left over pumpkin carvings. Whatever you do don’t throw it away make this souper tasty recipe instead. (Pun very much intended!)
And as we are heading properly into winter getting lots of soups an smoothies is such a good thing to do. If you new to the whole green smoothie thing then make sure you sign up below for your free green smoothie eGuide. This will also keep you in the loop for when I run my next Green Smoothie Challenge and my Simple Green Smoothie eBook which I will be letting loose on you again soon 😉
But anyway soup.
I have to confess that it has been ALONG time since I posted some savoury recipes and it don’t JUST eat cake – there are tons of other healthy things I munch on too and soup is one of the main things I eat. It is the PERFECT way to warm your body up, get load of veg in you as well as save some pennies. Its my go to soup lunch and even breakfast option. I use it to ensure I get lots of home-made bone broth (read here for why I down this stuff like a trooper!) as well as vegetables and it has been a large part of my healing journey.
Plus soups take nearly no time to make. Shove everything in a pan, cooked , blend and eat. I often just use my slow cooker so I don’t even need to chop things just shove a whole butternut squash in and let it cook over night!
So dust off that slow cooker or soup pan and your soupy groove on with this Pumpkin Spice Soup recipe:)

Pumpkin Spice Soup
- 1 leek
- 4 spring onions
- 1/2 pumpkin cooked about 700g
- tsp salt or more
- 1 tsp gram masala
- 2 tsp cinnamon
- 1 tsp all spice
- 1/4 tsp cayenne
- 50 g creamed coconut
- 500 ml bone broth/stock or equivalent in stock cubes
- 1 litre water
- 3-4 garlic cloves
- First you want to cook the pumpkins. I just stab a whole pumpkin with a sharp knife and place it whole into the oven at 180c for an hour and half then scrap out insides. You can peel and roast it but I am lazy and prefer this method. You can also use canned pumpkin or a butternut squash.
- In a large pan place the vegetables and garlic and spices in the pan and state with a knob of butter or coconut oil. Saute for 3-5 mins.
- Add both and liquid and bring to boil. Cook for 10 mins or until soft.
- Blend until smooth and season to taste.
- Serve immediately.