Detoxing the Mind !!?!
Detoxing the body

So do you need a detox?
- You need to eat sweet things with every meal.
- You struggle with regular thrush or atheltes foot.
- Your skin is very dry.
- Your bloated and pregnant looking by the end of the day.
- You feel addicted to certain food like coffee, chocolate or bread.
- You have zero energy despite sleeping lots.
- You can’t fit into your clothes any more!
- You just don’t feel well and not sure why.
- You want to lose weight.
- Your skin is problematic.
- You know something is irritating your body but have no idea what!
In our modern life we are subject to so many toxins. There are artificial chemicals in our food which we have not had around long enough to know the impact they have properly on our bodies. We use toxic cleaning products that get on our bodies and food. The air we breath is full of fumes and other junk (side note did you know due to household cleaning products and furnishing your home air is more toxic that outside air!!??). We are way more stressed, in fact often constantly stressed which means we have more things like caffeine, alcohol, refined sugar and other junk which burdens our bodies. We end of up chronic thrush, reflux, insomnia, depression, eczema or worse, take pills to ‘help’ and more pills to cover the side effects of the first set… I could go on. I think at some point in some way we are all in need of a detox!
For me I started a bit of a loving detox last week as to be honest my body just really wanted to and I was actually really excited too. Now detoxing is not always easy, sugar, cake and chocolate cravings arise ( this weekend I mainly wanted to drink whiskey and eat cake!) but often after a few day you master then and start to feel the benefits. But its so important to go slow. Please don’t do what my dad did and go from a standard diet to removing everything – find something that suits you and feel right for where your at right now.
I am also not a fan of long juice fasts either unless under some guidance it doesnt always help certain heath condition, I tend to recommend a 1 day juice fast if people fancy it along with some homemade soup if its winter.
So how to start?
Well here are 3 options you could do?
- Just quit caffeine and see how you feel? Are you addicted or not, you will know how strongly it impacts you by how groggy and grim you feel. I recommend people tackle this before they do any other sort of detox.
- All sweet tasting food. I recommend this for about a 1 week and you change nothing else other than cutting out ALL sweet, cakes, biscuits, natural sweeteners and even fruit apart from the odd cup of berries.
- Remove gluten, sugar, dairy and caffeine for 1-7 days. This is what I do on Flourish BUT people can tailor it to what is realistic for them. If that sounds too much then go one step at a time and one day at time. This is more for folk who already eat pretty healthy and don’t eat tons of junk or crap and know what kombocha is 😉
And if you want a helping hand I have made a fabulous beginners-intermediate, loving and balancing, detox 5 day meal plan that still involves cakes and treats and other goodies which you can get my free Detox and Eat Cake Detox plan for free which will guide you through everything and make detoxing super tasty and simple then just click below to get yours.
Recipes great for detoxing
- Blueberry and lemon smoothie
- Detox latte
- Bone broth
- Hardcore detox smoothie
- Butternut and chilli soup
- Pea and coconut soup
So do you need to detox??
Well it depends, if you are a serial detoxer, dieter come self loather and sabotage when it all goes to pot then the last thing you need is another detox or diet. You need to sort out your mindset first, be surround by a community of encouraging people (*cough* Flourish eCourse& Community) and learn how to make effortlessly healthy choices every day.
Then once you have gotten of the dieting train and are in a place where you powerfully want to nourish, heal and cleanse your body from any junk its carrying then a detox could be just the thing you need 😉
So if you want to detox then grab your free LOVING detox meal plan or join me for my next Flourish eCourse which is opening this THURSDAY and there will be some exciting launch offers so make sure you keep an eye on your inbox.