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There was a HUGE part of me that didn’t want to address this topic on the podcast. I mean money is a pretty hot topic. SO much room for becoming defensive and weird about it.
But I knew it needed to be done because often this is still a big area that many of us (me included) can act powerless around. Like we are a victim of the numbers we have or earn. It’s even similar to how we can become victims to that number on the scale or jeans too. And it could be getting in the way of you feeling awesome.
So in this episode, I talk about money, what it is and the ‘time verse money’ resources spectrum. How health in itself is an amazing resource that requires investment, often of either time and or money or both. And why our lack of understanding of this, keeps us trapped for 1, 5 or 10 years feeling bloated, fatigued and crappy.
This isn’t about how to handle your finances by any means, this podcast is to find out if your main area of self-sabotage when it comes to your health revolves around the stories we have about money……
JUICY stuff – is it not?
So I may make you feel uncomfortable, might tread on your toes but know I share this because it has been, and IS, so deeply rooted in my own journey. And it’s work I have to do regularly in regards to the stories I tell myself around money on a day to day basis.
Questions I ask you in the podcast (they will make more sense once you’ve listened!)
- Where are you on the TIME —— MONEY spectrum?
- Have you lost hope when it comes to your health?
- Do you know you’re worth it?
- Find out what kind of Gut Goddess you are with my FREE Health Assessment Quiz HERE
- The Sweet Treat Collection Recipe eBook HERE
- Selfish is the new selfless – listen to this episode here