There is so much happening in the world right now – isn’t there?
Some really hard stuff going on right now globally – economic uncertainty, sickness, job loss etc. Also, there is some much-needed upheaval too of oppressive systems that still exist in our society (namely the recent call to action to all white people around #blacklivesmatter).
Plus I imagine in your own personal life there are some hard things too. For me personally – this past 18 months has been difficult, especially for my mental well being. And that is why today I wanted to talk about what I am and have been focusing on as I negotiate my way through more fragile waters when it comes to my own mental health and resiliency (that are actually leaving me more resilient than ever – from a mental health perspective).
So in this podcast, I share with you the 5 things I focus on when it comes to ‘building up’ my own mental health and resiliency.
(And in this podcast I do talk about my own response to the recent call to address our/my white privilege. I am learning and welcome any feedback in this area as I have been unpicking my own privilege for a while now but haven’t spoken publically about it due to fear of saying the wrong thing – the essence of white fragility! So I am speaking and will continue to speak about this and welcome your feedback as I dismantle my own white woman prejudice and ignorance. Thank you for bearing with me.)
Resources Mentioned:
- Find out more about working with me here
- Find out more about digestion in this episode here
- Find out about the BIGGEST mistake people make in supporting their digestion here
- Looking for free-from recipes? Then check out all my yummy recipe here