
Masterclass Archive

Below is an archive of some the previous Masterclasses that I’ve hand picked as they will be helpful tools for you to revisit time and time again – enjoy!

How to get the most out of the Masterclasses?
1. Show up LIVE to the monthly ones. I don’t archive them all and it your chance to get in the moment coaching and help.
2. Listen to the recording below through once, then listen again and this time take notes.
3. Head over to the Facebook group and tell us what small action you are going to take after listening to the class.



 The 4 Home Tests Your Can Do to Accelerate Your Results

Download the accompanying guide HERE


>>>Click here For the Adrenal Fatigue Masterclass<<<


>>> Access the Self Care Masterclass HERE <<<


Masterclass: Make Your Periods Your Superpower



  • Whats happening with your hormones – simple image used in the workshop – HERE
  • An introduction to Cycle-syncing – basic infographic HERE
  • Find out more about this and the app HERE



Click here to watch The 5 Small Shifts to Burn Fat Masterclass


The Gut Cleanse Masterclass & eGuide
Download the eGuide HERE