Just fill in the information below to register and then you will be sent an email a few days prior to the event with all the info you need to join the call. You will need a computer or tablet device and access (just to state the obvious) and it is very simple process.
We look forward to seeing to soon!
Ever get overwhelmed by all the healthy eating & living advice but want to feel energised, slim and well?
Want to learn more about how to a create naturally healthy lifestyles, not learn about another ‘fad‘?
Wonder what all this Super Naturally Healthy talk is all about?
Then come and be part of our free series, where for 40 minutes you will get to hear Kezia Hall’s top principles and years of experience on how to cultivate a health happy life. PLUS you get the chance to ask any question related to the subject in the Q&A session at the end.
Starts 7pm – 7.45pm GMT