DIY Beauty: Natural Organic Deodorant

Oct 9, 2013 | Beauty & Skin

no poo illustration copy

Today I am going to look at the topic of body odour, sweat and the natural solution.

We all sweat, it is the bodies way of cooling the blood down. We have roughly 2 million sweat glands – most of which are in our armpits and we can lose roughly 1/2 a litre of sweat a day – more if we are in hot conditions. 

I used to be massively paranoid about sweating and smelling. I used to buy the mega deodorant that almost stung your arms when you put it on in order to avoid the dreaded B.O problem as I have always been a bit on the sweaty side. But after looking at the ingredients below, bearing in mind that we absorb load through our skin into our bodies and blood stream, I didn’t really want Aluminium Zirconium tetrachlorohydrex GLY being absorbed into my skin or exposing myself to any sort of horrid disease. Plus there is some, not completely conclusive evidence that links of deodorant to breast cancer and Alzheimer’s. So I came up with solution, as after researching some other recipes they seemed pretty complicated or irritated my sensitive skin whilst this one is easy peasy, and unlike shop bought natural ones you can buy, this once is cheap to make.

Just your average ingredient list!


The tree tea oil is a great antibacterial agent in this helping neutralise smells, the lavender helps nourish your skin , the oil is  moisturising and again antibacterial and the bicarb – it is well just a wonder (read here for why).

Natural Organic Deodorant

5 tbsp Organic Coconut oil (or any other type of coconut oil)

3 tbsp Bicarbonate of Soda

5 drop Tea Tree Oil

2 Drop Lavender

Melt the coconut oil and then add all the other ingredient, stirring well. Pour into a suitable container – I choose a rectangle as it easier to grip. The place int he fridge.

Once set remove from container and wrap in greaseproof paper and secure with an elastic band/string/hair band, as this will protect you hands from getting all oily when applying it.

If you live in a hot climate or house then best keep it in the fridge but if like me you live in Scotland and never turn on the heating I leave it on my dressing table!

Additional reading/Sources

Daily Mail



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