This recipe was the result of one of those joyful occasions when you try something out and it works a treat. I was driving home from work on Friday having invited some awesome people over for dinner but after doing my Red Thai Curry for the last few Fridays I felt it was time for a change!
There is something wintery and comforting about fish pie and this recipe is a great twist on the traditional cream filled, expensive and potatoey recipes out there. It contains amazing omega fatty acids from the fish, some protein and fats from the butter and coconut, plus it is jam packed with vegetables so it is perfect for those trying to drop a few pounds before christmas indulgence .
Why have I been giving you so many fishy recipes? Because it is so important to make sure you get fish into you diet every week. I am currently trying to transition more to a fish based diet and although I am not by any means saying no to beef (I love quality organic well looked after beef!) or any other meat but I just want to ensure I am getting 1-2 portions of oily fish a week to help my body heal. This recipe is also a great way of making fish stretch and not be incredibly expensive!
So why not impress your house by whipping up this nutritious, healing and tasty dish? Enjoy!

Fish Pie
- 100 g Raw King Prawns
- 200 g Tin of Tuna
- 300 ml Chicken Stock
- 1 Clove Garlic
- 3 finely chopped Carrots
- 3 chopped Onions
- 2 Handful Spinach
- 100 g Coconut Cream
- 2 tbsp Desiccated coconut
- 1 tbsp Cumin
- Topping
- 1 Whole Celeriac
- 3 Carrots
- Knob of Organic Butter
- Salt and pepper
- Peel the celeriac and carrots and roughly chop and place in boiling water. Leave simmering while you then...
- Saute the onions in ghee/coconut oil/animal fat for a few minutes until soft, then add the carrots, cumin, some salt (a few pinches), garlic and keep under a medium heat for a few minutes. Then add the chicken stock, tuna and coconut cream allow to come to simmer and the coconut cream to dissolve.
- Meanwhile once the celeriac is soft and cooked through drain and add butter, salt and pepper and then mash thoroughly.
- Add the frozen prawns to the fish/coconut/stock mixture and stir in along with the desiccated coconut and spinach.
- Pour the fish mixture into a oven dish, level off and then spread the mashed celeriac/carrot on top of the fish mixture and level off.
- Place in a preheated oven at 180c for 25 mins or until its golden on top.
- Serve with peas, cooked broccoli or any other veg you like!
Feel free to add grated cheese in top but this is is delicious without!
You can substitute any other vegetable depending on what you fancy!