Fourteen days and fourteen posts jam packed with festive recipes, tips and ideas! Phew.
You should by now be feeling fully festive (if not make sure you have read them all – you are bound to catch some of my excessive Christmas enthusiasm) armed with tips on how to beat the common cold, how to make gingerbread, make mincemeat and make it through the festive season without putting on multiple stones of weight!
I have even given you last minute present ideas, party treats and ways to deal with that morning after feeling! So you are now fully armed and ready to go and have an awesome naturally healthy Christmas !
I am going to disappear for a few days now so my family can enjoy my presence without my ipad in hand or without me photographing and writing down the recipe of everything I am eating! But there is LOADS for you to read and catch up on, which you munch of some gingerbread by the fire.
Just before I give you another festive recipe I just wanted to flag up an amazing charity to you. This is for those of you who honestly haven’t a clue what to get that friend or family member who has everything, or for those of you who love to support a charity this time of year. I love Christmas (obviously) but although presents are great, it really all boils down to love. We celebrate God coming to earth and showing us love. The Kings Arms Project is outstanding at showing this intangible beast (that is love). I used to work there and was amazed at how well they love all people in practical, emotional and spiritual ways. So why not have a nosey at what they do and why not forego an extra bottle of wine or two at the shops and give some dosh to them. I have seen this project change lives and families, all because of love. So take a look at
(This is not some paid or affiliate link, I genuinely just love this charity and have witnessed it change peoples lives!)
So now for a brief farewell , but first I just wanted to say a big thank you for reading and supporting this blog. The last 6 months have been great and I am very excited for the next year to come. So thank you for helping me make this nation a healthier place one person at a time!
Now I will end this mini series as I began – with a Hot Chocolate Recipe!
Terry’s Chocolate Oranges are very festive in my thinking so here is a Chocolate orange Hot Chocolate recipe that is like a liquid Chocolate Orange!
Enjoy and much love.

Chocolate Orange Hot Chocolate
- Zest of one Orange
- 2 Cups of Organic Milk or Water
- 2 tbsp Cocoa Powder
- 1-2 tbsp Raw Honey
- 1 tsp Vanilla Essence
- Place all in the ingredient in a pan on a low heat and bring to just before simmering point.
- Pour through a metal sieve and then serve in 2 mugs.
- Serve with some Organic Cream for a decadent finish!