As it’s the end if the week it’s time to celebrate.
I have learned over the years that celebration should not just be confined to the big events of life like birthday and weddings , although they are always fun. Celebration should be a part of everyday life, as the very act of giving something seemingly small and insignificant our focus is not only fun but weirdly powerful. We have no control over the circumstances we can find ourselves facing, but we can choose how we respond.
I have to say though, I am definitely in the celebration mood. I have had lots of great parcels this week, seen some sunshine, been taken out for a curry with friends and I have just come back from feeding the ducks with my nephew. Plus its Friday. Which is a good job as the theme of celebration is going to continue on…but its a secret until monday….lips are sealed…. (and no Mum I am not pregnant!)
So today we are celebrating the facts that it’s Friday and you made it through. You made it through the stressy bosses, the early morning, maybe some baby sick or potty training, crazy work deadlines, snotty nose or shouting/sulking matches with your other half. Made it.
So to celebrate I have given you a rather crazy/lovely looking mocktail recipe. This alcohol free beauty is a splendid way to kick back and relax in the sun knowing you are doing your body good. Now I am not adverse to alcohol so feel free to add rum or vodka to this to make it less mock and more co , I will stop there I think…
ALSO you can get you mits on a free summer recipe book that yours truly is featured in. Just click here to download your free copy . Now how is that for some Friday love?
Green Goddess Mocktail
- 1.2 cucumber
- 3-4 apples
- 2 limes peeled
- 1 celery stick
- 2 tbsp pomegranate seeds
- 100 ml fizzy water
- Place the cucumber, apples, celery, and limes in a juicer. Then in your cocktail glasses place the seeds at the bottom. Pour in the juice two thirds of the way full then top the rest of the glass with cold fizzy water and sip away!