I was lying in bed the other night thinking about crepes. I had seen a picture in my Instagram feed of a gym bunny who was showing some high protein crepes she had made and I wanted a grain free version. So there that was when this brunch tastic recipe came to me.
I always think crepes are more on the sophisticated side of breakfast and lunch options. You get that slightly smug continental and culture feeling when you eat then . Or maybe that’s just me?
There are 4 simple ingredients and all I did was blend them up and then cook in a pan. I have been experimenting more with coconut flour recently and am loving it, so expect more recipes with this great grain free flour. Although it may seem pricy (£5.99 for 500g) you hardly use any of this when baking so it cheaper than you think – which is always nice! Plus it is a much better grain/gluten free baking option than nut flours, as it is much more stable when heated up.
I also had these crepes with savoury filling too and they were yummy – great little brunch or lunch time snack and the mixture stores in the fridge for a few days so you can make a batch up and have it ready to go when hunger sticker.
Please remember that organic happy eggs are so good for you so you can ignore any out of date warnings of their cholesterol – this is a myth egg will do you good:)
The blackberry sauce for this is super yummy and a great way to use up blackberries . It will make lots of you can store it in a clean jar and put it on you yogurt or like my husband Joe – put it on top of toasted rye bread!
Next on my list of things to make with coconut flour is banana loaf!

Grain Free Crepes (with Blackberry Sauce)
- 1 tbsp coconut flour
- tsp arrow root flour
- pinch salt
- 2 eggs
- 50 ml water
- 100 g/1cup blackberries
- 3 apples
- 50 ml water
- To make the sauce cut and peel the apple and place in sauce pan on a low heat with water and blackberries . Cook until soft. Leave to cool.
- Blend all the crepe ingredients together and then pour a small amount onto frying pan (with plenty of fat -ghee/coconut oil) until it is thinly covered. Cook for about 3 minutes on low heat then gently flip over. Do this until all the mixture has gone (it will make about 3-4 crepes just double recipe to make more).
- To finish the sauce simply blend until smooth and add any additional sweetener if you wish.
Whats your favourite crepe filling? Have you used coconut flour before?