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So HOW can you begin to like and even LOVE your belly? How can you love it from a mindset body positive perspective but ALSO from a help it to heal, be less bloated, large or smaller?
In this week’s podcast, I talk more about the 4 strategies I use in the Flourish Academy that help women love their bellies more. In BOTH their mindset and in terms of how they feel physically. Cos it is hard to love a sore, bloated, painful belly or a belly that just feels ‘foreign‘ to you.
Aaannnnnd I talk more about my thoughts on the potential downfalls of the body positivity movement and that women really can have both a healthy body at a healthy weight of their choosing. But I also get down to the nitty-gritty practical stuff too and outline the 4 principles HOW you can love your belly more.
Pllluuuussss I let you in on a little secret discount and announce the official opening of the Flourish Academy! My new 4-week online program that helps you create one happier, flatter and more joyful belly and LIFE. Which is currently at an early bird 50% discount – click here to find out more
Resources mentioned
- Ep 13 – Should you go gluten-free?
- Ep 20 – The Belly Love Methodology
- Join the Flourish Academy HERE
- Click the image to find out how to leave an iTunes review
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