If You Want To Lose Weight In 2021 – LISTEN TO THIS! {Ep 145}

Feb 16, 2021 | Nutrition, Podcast


This is a must-listen episode if you’ve had the thought recently ‘I just want to lose weight’

Maybe 2020 involved a wee bit too much booze and banana loaf or maybe it’s just age or some other reason you can’t fathom.

This episode is an honest, no BS look at the world of weight loss. I address why it can be so toxic but also what strategies work best long term when it comes to finding a healthy weight for your unique body.

We look at your expectations and failings of the dieting mentality and how to get what you want NOW. 

It’s a juicy one…and it probably won’t be what you’re expecting ?


Committed to seeing some BIG results in your body and health in 2021?
Then make sure you get some personalised, evidence-based, holistic support (if you want to accelerate your results that is).  I will be taking on a limited number of new clients in the spring of 2021 – make sure you get on my waitlist to get first access. 

>> Find out more here <<


Resources Mentioned

  • The biggest mistake when it comes to ditching sugar read here
  • Find out more about working with me here
  • Weight loss: the metrics that actually matter – listen here
  • Find out more about the Flourish Academy – HERE
  • Four reasons you’re not losing weight- listen here






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