Digestion 101: You Are What You EAT! {Ep 147}

Mar 16, 2021 | Nutrition, Podcast


This week is all about digestion and how to make it better and what can go wrong with it. I explain 6 ways you can optimize it and why EVERYONE should focus on making their gut health a whole lot more kick-ass!


Committed to seeing some BIG results in your body and health in 2021?
Then make sure you get some personalised, evidence-based, holistic support (if you want to accelerate your results that is).  I will be taking on a limited number of new clients in the spring of 2021 – make sure you get on my waitlist to get first access. 

>> Find out more here <<



  • My Story & Gut Healing Journey – HERE
  • 5 Steps to Healing Your Gut – HERE
  • Find out more about the Flourish Academy – HERE
  • Leave me an iTunes review HERE (Click image below for instructions) 







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Why do healthy foods make you fart or feel WORSE? (Episode 317)

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