8 Reasons I Had (Terrible) IBS

Jun 9, 2021 | Nutrition, Podcast

Back in the day I was bloated, stuck on the loo, depressed, and struggling with terrible digestion. I had had all the investigations, biopsy’s and tests and in the end, I was told I had IBS, to get less stressed and learn to live with it.

Errr no thanks. My life of being massively impacted by my incontinence, pain, and bloating. So that is how I ended up on this journey.

So now 10+ years later I reflect on why I think I had IBS. Or said in another way – what I suspect were my root causes at the time and how I overcame them.

Let’s go!


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  • Join the Beat the Bloat Program HERE
  • Listen to  How I Ditched IBS  – HERE 
  • Listen to Digestion 101 – HERE
  • Leave me an iTunes review HERE 





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