Today, on the podcast, we are talking poop and bowel incontinence, constant daily reflux and embarrassing wind.
This is part two of my case study series and I’m talking about a specific client who had a whole lot of stuff going on but on paper actually had a really healthy lifestyle, ate really well and had drawers full of supplements. They felt embarrassed and really limited and came to me after trying a million different things and working with a lot of different people and having already done a lot of tests.
During our 3-4 month program together, she saw incredible progress. She was hoping things would improve, but she didn’t expect stuff to just resolve itself completely.
I’m going to dive into why that is, what was different about her approach, what she did and about the strategy I applied so that you can do the same in your own life.
Like why was it that she made progress and, and also why wasn’t this really healthy lifestyle that she was living?
I’ll look at why this healthy lifestyle wasn’t helping and why she wasn’t making progress? Because I know from talking with lots of you and my clients that you aren’t sitting there eating donuts all day, or putting 10 spoonfuls of sugar in your tea or deep frying everything – You probably eat a whole food-ish diet and you probably know people that eat more unhealthily than you do yet, you are the one who feels like you’re having symptoms than them and struggling with your health.
I remember feeling like that years ago and wondering why I was the one that felt awful when I had so many friends that eat utter crap all the time and they’re doing fine yet, there I was trying to be healthy but I was the one who felt worse. It’s a very frustrating place to be and this was the same for this client.
So, let’s dive in.
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Resources Mentioned
- Find out more about working with me here – and book your call.
- Find out more on how to deal with constipation – here and here
- Find out about the BIGGEST mistake people make in supporting their digestion here
- Looking for free-from recipes? Then check out all my yummy recipe here
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