DIY Christmas Presents

Dec 17, 2013 | Home, Life

xmas giftsI love presents.

I love to receive them, I love to give them. Presents, I think , should be tokens of love, gifts of affection and care, which is why I love to make my own.

I am also somewhat of a creative soul and budgeting queen especially as I have a little start up business/blog in the making along with the purchasing of our new home our festive budget is very specific!. I don’t however like to spend AGES making present either. Often magazines are filled with DIY present ideas that are lovely but would probably take you 2 days to make! Time is money people so I cant be spending days hand crafting bespoke ornaments or messing about with a thermometer trying to make fudge!

So here is the first instalment of some DIY Christmas presents that are not only natural, they are (mostly) healthy and will actually do the person who you give it to GOOD . Plus for all you last minute people out there, most of these can be made last minute and they won’t cost you the earth!

1. Body scrub. I will be making my friends and family either this yummy coffee scrub or this lemon one to ensure they have silky soft skin all year round . They take about 5 minutes to make and I tend to use recycled jars to give them in. I  decorate them with ribbon and a cute label.

2. Chilli Oil. Have a  friend who fancies themselves as Jamie Oliver? Then by a good quality bottle of olive oil,  x4 whole red chillies and a garlic bulb and then slice the chillies through the middle and peel and crush x2 garlic cloves and pop into the olive oil jar. Tell them it will be ready in 2ish weeks and is a great accompaniment to pizza/pasta/bread/chips/steak/anything.

3. Mincemeat. This might be good for your Gran but make a great present, just place in a jar and tell them its homemade. The recipe is super easy and it will last for ages.

4. Vanilla Essence. You really have no excuse for this, as it so simple and will be much appreciated by and fellow foodie or cook or baker.

5. Chutney. This recipe is quick and easy, plus is so good for the recipient as its full of probiotics but still taste great with cheese! Winner.

Other Tips

  • If you have ran out of bottles for anything just buy  the cheapest item from the shops and empty it out, sterilise it and reuse. ( I normal HATE food waste but once a year is acceptable).
  • Also make things in bulk, pick 2-4 things you want to make and then just do them in bulk as this saves time and money. This year I am bulk making jam, body scrub, chutney and vanilla essence. 
  • With homemade presents the dressing and ‘look’ of them is important , I favour brown luggage tags, bright ribbon, glitter and recycled jars and bottles.
  • Try not to eat it all before you give it to the person. You may laugh now but trust me….


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