Foods You Can Eat, & 3 Foods That Can Heal, When You Eat Gluten Free

Jun 9, 2014 | Nutrition

gluten free foods

We have spent a few wee blogs looking at this sticky subject of gluten. What it is , why you should avoid gluten free packaged food and the difference between being gluten and wheat free.


So today we are going to look at what you CAN eat when your gluten free and highlight certain foods that will not only nourish your body in a gluten free way, but can actually help heal the gut. And as we know from previous posts, having an unhappy gut can lead to a whole host of problems including gluten intolerance so it important to not just treat the symptoms (bloating, bowel problems, skin issues, lack of energy, sore tummy, reflux, weight gain or inability to loose weight etc) but dig out and deal with the root cause.


Also if you are thinking or removing gluten from your diet – which I highly recommend to everyone as time and time again it results in better health and weight loss – it really good to focus on what you CAN eat not what you can’t. Its all about perspective and I have found that dwelling on the food I can eat loads of is far more helpful then focusing on the fact that I will never visit a bakery again (unless it my own kitchen grain free bakery!)


So what can you eat when being gluten free and naturally healthy?


All vegetables

Butternut, carrots, onion, all green veg, frozen veg, swede, cauliflower, broccoli, peas, squashes, pumpkin, tomatoes (fresh or tinned) etc etc etc!
Fresh, frozen, pickled/fermented, juiced, smoothie’d, cooked or raw – Pile your plate HIGH!


All  Meat

Liver, mince, pork, steak, all offal,
chicken, venison, etc.
All fish.
(Organic unprocessed meat is always recommended.)


Unprocessed Dairy*- Cow, Goat or other??

Cheeses, milk, butter, natural yogurt
Organic and/or raw dairy products are always recommended.
*I personally avoid milk and make my own almond milk due to the high lactose in milk and lack of raw milk in Scotland.




Natural Fats

Lard, organic butter, olive oil, coconut oil*, avocados, all nuts & seeds, cheese, all animal fats.
*this is a really beneficial fat to have in your diet for weight loss, adrenals, healing and thyroid functioning


(always soak in salted water for 12 hours before cooking)

Chick peas, kidney/haricot/black beans etc , all lentils and peanuts – basically all types of lentils and beans!
*if you have a really unhappy gut you may need to avoid all beans and legumes for 1-3 months.


peanut butter cup2

Being gluten free does not need to be hard….

Other Ideas

  • Brown rice pasta is a great initial alternative to wean you off pasta if your an addict.
  • Bread – there are lots of gluten free homemade bread option out there but really you don’t need bread its just we habitually eat it. Focus on adding more fat and protein to your diet and you will find you don’t need tons of bread.
  • Use things like quinoa instead of cous-cous or thing like buckwheat flour instead of whole meal .
  • Favourite gluten free alternatives – buckwheat flour for pancakes, millet, quinoa, brown rice, gluten free oats and oat cakes, rice cakes, homemade gluten free bread, and ALL my recipes, as I never touch a drop of gluten.
  • Look at my sweets and treats section as it is filled with loads of gluten free cakes, snacks and fun!
All ready to go!

Broth tastic

Foods that Heal

We want ever increasing health and vitality not just to ‘get by’ so if you go gluten free it’s a great idea to focus on the healing and nourishing foods that will help your body be restored to it original glory! So here are three simple food you can easily incorporate into your diet:


  • Broth – this is so cheap, simple and beneficial for your body. Read how to make it here.
  • Fat – eating natural fats like coconut oil is so good for your body and gives it all the energy it needs to heal. Read more about why fats are so good for you here.
  • Probiotics – you can read all about why they are so good here, but you can increase the good bacteria going into you body through supplements or by adding probiotic food to your diet like this.


And  if you want a helping had to take the gluten-free plunge then make sure you head over and join my Flourish eCourse & Community – click here to find out more!


So let me know have you taken the gluten-free plunge? What food are you loving if you are no longer a gluten lover?


  1. Great post! I ignored my gluten allergy for 13 years! Completely wrecked my digestion and skin – I’ve been taking kefir everyday as a potent probiotic and it’s been fab! I can’t recommend it enough! 🙂
    Amy x
    Get That Glow | | Holistic acne advice for the modern woman

    • I love kefir – such a gem for healing the body! Love the look of your website too – will definitely be stopping by frequently!


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