Ditching the Diets, Hashimoto’s & Adrenal Fatigue with Lauren Gayfer (Ep 21)

Jun 27, 2018 | Nutrition, Podcast

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This week we hit on 3 ESSENTIAL areas of health that could be affecting you …without you even knowing about it! 


  1. Ditching the dieting culture
  2. Thyroid issues and overcoming Hashimoto’s
  3. Adrenal fatigue and overexercising.


Juicy – yes?! And this conversation is so jam-packed and juicy because, both myself and fellow nutrition health geek Lauren Gayfner – who also lives with a thyroid condition, adrenal fatigue and more.


In this week’s episode, we talk about

  • What to do when everything comes back ‘normal’ in blood tests
  • Why is easy to let the dieting mentality leak into your ‘real food’ journey and tons more.
  • How she fell off the wagon when she had kids and how she got her healthy groove back
  • What she did after waking up crying every morning
  • Being fobbed off around your health and what to do about it
  • Ongoing adrenal fatigue – Lauren’s story.
  • Discovering her thyroid issue and how this impacts her life


Lauren is also a nutritional therapist and runs the Secret Kitchen Club and is a wealth of information when it comes to all things real food.


So if your sick of being tired, wondering if you have a thyroid issue, want to know more about ‘adrenal fatigue’ – then grab those earplugs and tune in!


Wondering why you feel so crap?  To find out what on earth is happening in your body and to get a personalised health report on your unique symptoms. Take my quiz today by clicking the image below!


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