by Kezia | Mar 10, 2020 | Life, Podcast
If I take a step back from my life I realise I am into some pretty weird and geeky stuff, so this week I am going all ‘Sound of Music’ on you and sharing some of my favourite things. I am sharing what I am doing to optimise my sleep, ...
by Kezia | Jan 7, 2020 | Life, Podcast
How do you quit the toxic dieting mentality, the all or nothing syndrome, the yo-yoing backward and forward feeling good then bad… BUT still, hit your health goals in 2020? How can you see REAL results without having to commit to some unhelpful diet? That is...
by Kezia | Dec 17, 2019 | Life, Podcast
As we head into this New Year it SO important to do it with an ounce of intention. And I love grabbing a journal or some paper and some fun pens and asking myself 5 questions. This little ritual feels like a great way to end one year and start another....
by Kezia | Oct 30, 2019 | Life, Podcast
I cannot tell you the number of times that clients have said to me a consultation ‘but Kezia I don’t feel that stressed’. This is often when I have gone away and done my research and done some detective work about what is going on with their...
by Kezia | Aug 28, 2019 | Life, Podcast
This week we are talking all about hustling and burning out and I am joined by the wonderful Ruth Newton from the Anti Hustle Project. We talk about how you can hustle in your job, but also when it comesto eating ‘healthily’...
by Kezia | Aug 14, 2019 | Life, Podcast
Last week we talked about some of the daily and weekly habits I have that ensure my energy, body and mental well being are on point. But what about the habits that you maybe need to let go of and ditch? That is what I am talking about today – the 7 habits...