by Gemma | Oct 25, 2023 | Nutrition
There is nothing more annoying than feeling like you are being intentional with your health and food and you still feel rubbish. The biggest reason most people give up on their health is that they feel like ‘things didn’t work’. So, what is holding you back or slowing...
by Kezia | Oct 6, 2023 | Nutrition, Podcast
As we enter one of my favourite times of year it’s time to ask – how can you end this year feeling BETTER than when it started? How can you finish up this year feeling incredible? Because THAT is my goal. I am not looking for perfection and my year so far...
by Gemma | Sep 20, 2023 | Nutrition, Podcast
How have I transformed my sleep despite having 3 young kids? Is it even possible to have better sleep AFTER having children? YES. And the way I have improved my sleep is By tracking it closely and gathering data Improving my circadian rhythm and insulin management...
by Gemma | Sep 13, 2023 | Nutrition
Some days deciding what healthy food to eat can feel like a chore. So how can you make it easier? What are some simple tricks to making eating healthy easier and less overwhelming. That is what we are discussing in today’s podcast – my 3 top tips for reducing...
by Kezia | May 29, 2023 | Healing & Herbs, Nutrition
I love summer. Wearing sandals, actually needing ice in beverages, my skin becoming less sallow and more radiant (reality check – I actually live in Glasgow and am still wearing my furry boots, but allow me room to dream…) The downfall of this...
by Kezia | May 24, 2023 | Nutrition, Podcast
How do create easy breezy, pain-free periods? Why do some women struggle and others have no issues? And with ALL the options out there where do you begin? That is what we are looking at on the podcast this week. I am sharing with you the one area...